Provides information about the parameters of a C++ user-defined function (UDx).

Provides information about the parameters of a C++ user-defined function (UDx). You can only view parameters that have the Properties.visible parameter set to TRUE.

Column Name Data Type Description
NAMESPACE_NAME VARCHAR For Eon Mode databases, name of the namespace that contains the function.

The schema to which the function belongs.

If the schema belongs to a non-default namespace in an Eon Mode database, the schema name is front-qualified with the name of the schema's namespace. For example, n1.s refers to schema s in namespace n1.

FUNCTION_NAME VARCHAR(128) The name assigned by the user to the user-defined function.
FUNCTION_TYPE VARCHAR(128) The type of user-defined function. For example, 'User Defined Function'.
FUNCTION_ARGUMENT_TYPE VARCHAR(8192) The number and data types of input arguments for the function.
PARAMETER_NAME VARCHAR(128) The name of the parameter for the user-defined function.
DATA_TYPE VARCHAR(128) The data type of the parameter.
DATA_TYPE_ID INTEGER A number specifying the ID for the parameter's data type.
DATA_TYPE_LENGTH INTEGER The maximum length of the parameter's data type.

Indicates whether the parameter is required or not.

If set to TRUE, and you don't provide the parameter, Vertica throws an error.


Indicates whether the parameter can be passed as a NULL value.

If set to FALSE, you pass the parameter with a NULL value, Vertica throws an error.

COMMENT VARCHAR(128) A user-supplied description of the parameter.


Any user can query the USER_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS table. However, users can only see table information about those UDx functions which the user has permission to use.

See also