View the fault groups and their hierarchy in the cluster.

View the fault groups and their hierarchy in the cluster.

Column Name Data Type Description
MEMBER_ID INTEGER A unique numeric ID assigned by the Vertica catalog that identifies the fault group.
MEMBER_TYPE VARCHAR The type of fault group. Values can be either NODE or FAULT GROUP.
MEMBER_NAME VARCHAR Name associated with this fault group. Values will be the node name or the fault group name.

A unique numeric ID assigned by the Vertica catalog that identifies the parent fault group. The parent fault group can contain:

  • Nodes

  • Other fault groups

  • Nodes and other fault groups


The type of parent fault group, where the default/root parent is the DATABASE object. Can be one of the following objects:



PARENT_NAME VARCHAR The name of the fault group that contains nodes or other fault groups or both nodes and fault groups.
IS_AUTOMATICALLY_GENERATED BOOLEAN If true, denotes whether Vertica Analytic Database created fault groups for you to manage the fault tolerance of control nodes in large cluster configurations. If false, denotes that you created fault groups manually. See Fault Groups for more information


Show the current hierarchy of fault groups in the cluster:

vmartdb=> SELECT member_type, member_name, parent_type, CASE
          WHEN parent_type = 'DATABASE' THEN ''
          ELSE parent_name END FROM fault_groups
          ORDER BY member_name;
 member_type | member_name           | parent_type | parent_name
 NODE        | v_vmart_node0001      | FAULT GROUP | two
 NODE        | v_vmart_node0002      | FAULT GROUP | two
 NODE        | v_vmart_node0003      | FAULT GROUP | three
 FAULT GROUP | one                   | DATABASE    |
 FAULT GROUP | three                 | DATABASE    |
 FAULT GROUP | two                   | FAULT GROUP | one

View the distribution of the segment layout:

vmartdb=> SELECT segment_layout from elastic_cluster;
 v_vmart_node0001[33.3%] v_vmart_node0003[33.3%] v_vmart_node0004[33.3%]
(1 row)

See also