Provides summary information about the text indices in Vertica.

Provides summary information about the text indices in Vertica.

Column Name Data Type Description
INDEX_ID INTEGER A unique numeric ID that identifies the index and is assigned by the Vertica catalog.
INDEX_NAME VARCHAR The name of the text index.
INDEX_SCHEMA_NAME VARCHAR The schema name of the text index.
SOURCE_TABLE_ID INTEGER A unique numeric ID that identifies the table and is assigned by the Vertica catalog.
SOURCE_TABLE_NAME VARCHAR The name of the source table used to build the index.
SOURCE_TABLE_SCHEMA_NAME VARCHAR The schema name of the source table.
TOKENIZER_ID INTEGER A unique numeric ID that identifies the tokenizer and is assigned by the Vertica catalog.
TOKENIZER_NAME VARCHAR The name of the tokenizer used when building the index.
TOKENIZER_SCHEMA_NAME VARCHAR The schema name of the tokenizer.
STEMMER_ID INTEGER A unique numeric ID that identifies the stemmer and is assigned by the Vertica catalog.
STEMMER_NAME VARCHAR The name of the stemmer used when building the index.
STEMMER_SCHEMA_NAME VARCHAR The schema name of the stemmer.
TEXT_COL VARCHAR The text column used to build the index.