Provides information about projections.

Provides information about projections.

Column Name Data Type Description
PROJECTION_SCHEMA_ID INTEGER A unique numeric ID that identifies the specific schema that contains the projection and is assigned by the Vertica catalog.

The name of the schema that contains the projection.

If the schema belongs to a non-default namespace in an Eon Mode database, the schema name is front-qualified with the name of the schema's namespace. For example, n1.s refers to schema s in namespace n1.

PROJECTION_NAMESPACE_NAME VARCHAR For Eon Mode databases, name of the namespace that contains the projection.
PROJECTION_ID INTEGER A unique numeric ID that identifies the projection and is assigned by the Vertica catalog.
PROJECTION_NAME VARCHAR The projection name for which information is listed.

The base name used for other projections:

  • For auto-created projections, identical to ANCHOR_TABLE_NAME.

  • For a manually-created projection, the name specified in the CREATE PROJECTION statement.

OWNER_ID INTEGER A unique numeric ID that identifies the projection owner and is assigned by the Vertica catalog.
OWNER_NAME VARCHAR The name of the projection's owner.
ANCHOR_TABLE_ID INTEGER The unique numeric identification (OID) of the projection's anchor table.
ANCHOR_TABLE_NAME VARCHAR The name of the projection's anchor table.
NODE_ID INTEGER A unique numeric ID (OID) for any nodes that contain any unsegmented projections.
NODE_NAME VARCHAR The names of any nodes that contain the projection. This column returns information for unsegmented projections only.
IS_PREJOIN BOOLEAN Deprecated, always set to f (false).
CREATED_EPOCH INTEGER The epoch in which the projection was created.

The method in which the projection was created:

  • CREATE PROJECTION: A custom projection created using CREATE PROJECTION.

  • CREATE TABLE: A superprojection that was automatically created when its associated table was created using CREATE TABLE.

  • ALTER TABLE: The system automatically created the key projection in response to a non-empty table.

  • CREATE TABLE WITH PROJ CLAUSE: A superprojection that was automatically created using CREATE TABLE.

  • DELAYED_CREATION: A superprojection that was automatically created when data was loaded for the first time into a new table.

  • DESIGNER: A projection created by Database Designer.

  • SYSTEM TABLE: A projection that was automatically created for a system table.

Rebalancing does not change the CREATE_TYPE value for a projection.

VERIFIED_FAULT_TOLERANCE INTEGER The projection K-safe value. This value can be greater than the database K-safety value (if more replications of a projection exist than are required to meet the database K-safety). This value cannot be less than the database K-safe setting.
IS_UP_TO_DATE BOOLEAN Specifies whether projection data is up to date. Only up-to-date projections are available to participate in query execution.

Specifies whether there are statistics for any column in the projection. HAS_STATISTICS returns true only when all non-epoch columns for a table or table partition have full statistics. For details, see Collecting table statistics and Collecting partition statistics.

IS_SEGMENTED BOOLEAN Specifies whether the projection is segmented.

The segmentation expression used for the projection. In the following example for the clicks_agg projection, the following values:

hash(clicks.user_id, (clicks.click_time)::date)

indicate that the projection was created with the following expression:

SEGMENTED BY HASH(clicks.user_id, (clicks.click_time)::date)


The percentage of projection data stored on each node, according to the segmentation expression. For example, segmenting a projection by the HASH function on all nodes results in a SEGMENT_RANGE value such as the following:

implicit range: node01[33.3%] node02[33.3%] node03[33.3%]

IS_SUPER_PROJECTION BOOLEAN Specifies whether a projection is a superprojection.

Indicates whether a projection is a key constraint projection:

  • t: A key constraint projection that validates a key constraint. Vertica uses the projection to efficiently enforce at least one enabled key constraint.

  • f: Not a projection that validates a key constraint.

HAS_EXPRESSIONS BOOLEAN Specifies whether this projection has expressions that define the column values. HAS_EXPRESSIONS is always true for live aggregate projections.
IS_AGGREGATE_PROJECTION BOOLEAN Specifies whether this projection is a live aggregate projection.

Specifies the type of live aggregate projection:


  • TOPK

IS_SHARED BOOLEAN Indicates whether the projection is located on shared storage.
PARTITION_RANGE_MIN VARCHAR Populated only if a projection specifies a partition range, the lowest and highest partition keys of the range.
PARTITION_RANGE_MIN_EXPRESSION VARCHAR Populated only if a projection specifies partition range, the minimum and maximum range expressions as defined in the projection DDL.


The following projection defines a range of orders placed since the first of the current year:

=> CREATE PROJECTION ytd_orders AS SELECT * FROM store_orders ORDER BY order_date
    ON PARTITION RANGE BETWEEN date_trunc('year',now())::date AND NULL;

Given that range, the PARTITION_RANGE_MIN and PARTITION_RANGE_MAX columns in the PROJECTIONS table contain the following values:

=> SELECT projection_name partition_range_min, partition_range_min, partition_range_max 
    FROM projections WHERE projection_name ILIKE 'ytd_orders%';
 partition_range_min | partition_range_min | partition_range_max
 ytd_orders_b1       | 2024-01-01          | infinity
 ytd_orders_b0       | 2024-01-01          | infinity
(2 rows)

The following projection defines a range of orders placed since the third quarter of last year:

=> CREATE PROJECTION q3_td AS SELECT * FROM store_orders ORDER BY order_date
    ON PARTITION RANGE BETWEEN add_months(date_trunc('year',now()), -3)::date AND NULL;

Given that definition, the PARTITION_RANGE_MIN_EXPRESSION and PARTITION_RANGE_MAX_EXPRESSION columns in the PROJECTIONS table contain the following values:

=> SELECT projection_name, partition_range_min_expression, partition_range_max_expression 
    FROM projections WHERE projection_name ILIKE 'Q3_td%';
 projection_name |       partition_range_min_expression        | partition_range_max_expression
 q3_td_b1        | add_months(date_trunc('year', now()), (-3)) | NULL
 q3_td_b0        | add_months(date_trunc('year', now()), (-3)) | NULL

See also