Returns a detailed list of all tables made available through the HCatalog Connector.

Returns a detailed list of all tables made available through the HCatalog Connector. See Using the HCatalog Connector.

Column Name Data Type Description
TABLE_SCHEMA_ID INTEGER ID number of the schema
TABLE_SCHEMA VARCHAR(128) The name of the Vertica Analytic Database schema through which the table is available
HCATALOG_SCHEMA VARCHAR(128) The name of the Hive schema or database that contains the table
TABLE_NAME VARCHAR(128) The name of the table
HCATALOG_USER_NAME VARCHAR(128) The name of the HCatalog user whose credentials are used to access the table's data
MIN_FILE_SIZE_BYTES INTEGER The file size of the table's smallest data file, if using WebHCat; null if using HiveServer2
TOTAL_NUMBER_FILES INTEGER The number of files used to store this table's data in HDFS
LOCATION VARCHAR(8192) The URI for the directory containing this table's data, normally an HDFS URI
LAST_UPDATE_TIME TIMESTAMPTZ The last time data in this table was updated, if using WebHCat; null if using HiveServer2
OUTPUT_FORMAT VARCHAR(128) The Hive SerDe class used to output data from this table
LAST_ACCESS_TIME TIMESTAMPTZ The last time data in this table was accessed, if using WebHCat; null if using HiveServer2
MAX_FILE_SIZE_BYTES INTEGER The size of the largest data file for this table, if using WebHCat; null if using HiveServer2
IS_PARTITIONED BOOLEAN Whether this table is partitioned
PARTITION_EXPRESSION VARCHAR(128) The expression used to partition this table
TABLE_OWNER VARCHAR(128) The Hive user that owns this table in the Hive database, if using WebHCat; null if using HiveServer2
INPUT_FORMAT VARCHAR(128) The SerDe class used to read the data from this table
TOTAL_FILE_SIZE_BYTES INTEGER Total number of bytes used by all of this table's data files
HCATALOG_GROUP VARCHAR(128) The permission group assigned to this table, if using WebHCat; null if using HiveServer2
PERMISSION VARCHAR(128) The Unix file permissions for this group, as shown by the ls -l command, if using WebHCat; null if using HiveServer2


No explicit permissions are required; however, users see only the records that correspond to schemas they have permissions to access.

See also