Contains the results of running the MATERIALIZE_FLEXTABLE_COLUMNS function.

Contains the results of running the MATERIALIZE_FLEXTABLE_COLUMNS function. The table contains information about keys that the function evaluated. It does not contain information about all keys.

Column Name Data Type Description
TABLE_ID INTEGER Unique numeric ID assigned by the Vertica catalog, which identifies the table.
TABLE_SCHEMA VARCHAR The schema name for which information is listed.
TABLE_NAME VARCHAR The table name for which information is listed.
CREATION_TIME VARCHAR Timestamp when the key was materialized.
KEY_NAME VARCHAR Name of the key from the VMap column that was materialized.

Status of the materialized column, one of the following:





Message associated with the status in the previous column, one of the following:

  • Added successfully

  • Column of same name already exists in table definition

  • Add operation failed

  • No data type guess provided to add column


=> \x
Expanded display is on.
=> SELECT table_id, table_schema, table_name, key_name, status, message FROM MATERIALIZE_FLEXTABLE_COLUMNS_RESULTS
WHERE table_name = 'mountains_hybrid';
-[ RECORD 1 ]+-------------------------------------------------------
table_id     | 45035996273708192
table_schema | public
table_name   | mountains_hybrid
key_name     | type
status       | ADDED
message      | Added successfully
-[ RECORD 2 ]+-------------------------------------------------------
table_id     | 45035996273708192
table_schema | public
table_name   | mountains_hybrid
key_name     | height
status       | ADDED
message      | Added successfully
-[ RECORD 3 ]+-------------------------------------------------------
table_id     | 45035996273708192
table_schema | public
table_name   | mountains_hybrid
key_name     | name
status       | EXISTS
message      | Column of same name already exists in table definition