Displays information about sequences.

Displays information about sequences.

Column Name Data Type Description
SEQUENCE_NAMESPACE VARCHAR For Eon Mode databases, name of the namespace that contains the sequence.

The name of the schema that contains the sequence.

If the schema belongs to a non-default namespace in an Eon Mode database, the schema name is front-qualified with the name of the schema's namespace. For example, n1.s refers to schema s in namespace n1.


One of the following:

  • User-assigned name of a sequence created with CREATE SEQUENCE

  • Auto-generated name assigned by Vertica for the sequence of an IDENTITY table column


One of the following:

  • Owner of the named sequence

  • Owner of the table where an IDENTITY column is defined

IDENTITY_TABLE_NAME VARCHAR Set only for IDENTITY column sequences, name of the column table.
SESSION_CACHE_COUNT INTEGER Count of values cached in a session.
ALLOW_CYCLE BOOLEAN Whether values cycle when a sequence reaches its minimum or maximum value, as set by CREATE SEQUENCE parameter CYCLE|NO CYCLE.
OUTPUT_ORDERED BOOLEAN Values guaranteed to be ordered, always false.
INCREMENT_BY INTEGER Value by which sequences are incremented or decremented.
MINIMUM INTEGER Minimum value the sequence can generate.
MAXIMUM INTEGER Maximum value the sequence can generate.
CURRENT_VALUE INTEGER How many sequence numbers are distributed among all cluster nodes.
SEQUENCE_SCHEMA_ID INTEGER Unique numeric catalog ID of the sequence schema.
SEQUENCE_ID INTEGER Unique numeric catalog ID of the sequence.
OWNER_ID INTEGER Unique numeric catalog ID of the user who created the sequence.
IDENTITY_TABLE_ID INTEGER Set only for IDENTITY column sequences, unique numeric catalog ID of the column table.


Create a sequence:


Return information about this sequence:

=> SELECT sequence_schema, sequence_name, owner_name, session_cache_count, increment_by, current_value FROM sequences;
 sequence_schema |      sequence_name       | owner_name | session_cache_count | increment_by | current_value
 public          | my_seq                   | dbadmin    |              250000 |            1 |           149
(2 rows)

IDENTITY columns are sequences that are defined in a table's DDL. IDENTITY column values automatically increment as new rows are added. To identify IDENTITY columns and their tables, query the system table COLUMNS:

=> CREATE TABLE employees (employeeID IDENTITY, fname varchar(36), lname varchar(36));
=> SELECT table_name, column_name, is_identity FROM columns WHERE is_identity = 't';
 table_name | column_name | is_identity
 employees  | employeeID  | t
(1 row)

Query SEQUENCES to get detailed information about the IDENTITY column sequence in employees:

=> SELECT sequence_schema, sequence_name, identity_table_name, sequence_id FROM sequences
      WHERE identity_table_name ='employees';
 sequence_schema |      sequence_name       | identity_table_name |    sequence_id
 public          | employees_employeeID_seq | employees           | 45035996273848816
(1 row)

Use the vsql command \ds to list all named and IDENTITY column sequences. The following results show the two sequences created previously:

=> \ds
                                                   List of Sequences
 Schema |         Sequence         | CurrentValue | IncrementBy | Minimum |       Maximum       | AllowCycle | Comment
 public | employees_employeeID_seq |            0 |           1 |       1 | 9223372036854775807 | f          |
 public | my_seq                   |          149 |           1 |       1 |                5000 | f          |
(2 rows)