Lists the currently-defined user-defined transform functions (UDTFs).

Lists the currently-defined user-defined transform functions (UDTFs).

Column Name Data Type Description
SCHEMA_NAME VARCHAR(128) The name of the schema containing the UDTF.
FUNCTION_NAME VARCHAR(128) The SQL function name assigned by the user.
FUNCTION_RETURN_TYPE VARCHAR(128) The data types of the columns the UDTF returns.
FUNCTION_ARGUMENT_TYPE VARCHAR(8192) The data types of the columns that make up the input row.
FUNCTION_DEFINITION VARCHAR(128) A string containing the name of the factory class for the UDTF, and the name of the library that contains it.
IS_FENCED BOOLEAN Whether the UDTF runs in fenced mode.


No explicit permissions are required; however, users see only UDTFs contained in schemas to which they have read access.

See also