Messages associated with SQLSTATE 42V10

This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42V10.

This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42V10.

SQLSTATE 42V10 description


Messages associated with this SQLState

ERROR 2046: string not allowed in string clause
ERROR 2050: string position value is not in select list
ERROR 2221: Argument string must not contain variables
ERROR 3467: Function expression in FROM may not refer to other
            relations of same query level
ERROR 3820: JOIN/ON clause refers to "string", which is not part of JOIN
ERROR 4832: Subquery in FROM may not refer to other relations of same
            query level
ERROR 4877: Table "string" has value columns available but value columns
ERROR 5194: UNION/INTERSECT/EXCEPT member statement may not refer to
            other relations of same query level
ERROR 9637: Record "string" has value fields available but value fields
ERROR 9641: Subquery "string" has value outputs available but value outputs