Lists the original names of restored schemas that were truncated due to name lengths exceeding 128 characters.

Lists the original names of restored schemas that were truncated due to name lengths exceeding 128 characters.

Column Name Data Type Description
RESTORE_TIME TIMESTAMPTZ The time that the table was restored.
SESSION_ID VARCHAR Identifier for the restoring session. This identifier is unique within the cluster at any point in time but can be reused when the session closes.
USER_ID INTEGER Identifier of the user for the restore event.
USER_NAME VARCHAR Name of the user for which Vertica lists restore information at the time it recorded the session.
TRANSACTION_ID INTEGER Identifier for the transaction within the session, if any; otherwise NULL.
ORIGINAL_SCHEMA_NAME VARCHAR The original name of the schema prior to the restore.
NEW_SCHEMA_NAME VARCHAR The name of the schema after it was truncated.

