Lists all defined data loaders.

Lists all defined data loaders.

Column Name Column Type Description
NAME VARCHAR Loader name.
NAMESPACENAME VARCHAR For Eon Mode databases, namespace in which the loader is defined.

Schema in which the loader is defined.

If the schema belongs to a non-default namespace in an Eon Mode database, the schema name is front-qualified with the name of the schema's namespace. For example, n1.s refers to schema s in namespace n1.

OWNER VARCHAR Vertica user who created the loader.
COPYSTMT VARCHAR COPY statement used by this loader.
RETRYLIMIT INT Number of times to retry a failed file load. For loaders that do not specify an explicit value, this value is updated if the value of the DataLoaderDefaultRetryLimit configuration parameter changes.
HISTORYRETENTIONINTERVAL INTERVAL How long to wait before purging rows in the loader's monitoring table. See CREATE DATA LOADER.
ENABLED BOOLEAN Whether the data loader is enabled. EXECUTE DATA LOADER does not run a disabled data loader.
TRIGGER VARCHAR External trigger for this data loader, if any.


 name | schemaname |  owner  |             copystmt              | retrylimit | historyretentioninterval | enabled | trigger
 dl   | public     | dbadmin | copy sales from 's3://data/*.dat' |          3 | 14 days                   |      t |
(1 row)