Lists the status history of registered machine learning models in the database, including models that have been unregistered or dropped.

Lists the status history of registered machine learning models in the database, including models that have been unregistered or dropped. Only superusers or users to whom superusers have granted sufficient privileges can query the table. Vertica recommends granting access to the MLSUPERVISOR role.

Column Name Data Type Description
REGISTERED_NAME VARCHAR Abstract name to which the model, identified by MODEL_ID, was registered at the time of the status change. This REGISTERED_NAME can represent a group of models for a higher-level application, where each model in the group has a unique version number.
REGISTERED_VERSION INTEGER Unique version number of the registered model under its specified REGISTERED_NAME.
NEW_STATUS VARCHAR New status of the registered model.
OLD_STATUS VARCHAR Old status of the registered model.
STATUS_CHANGE_TIME TIMESTAMPTZ Time at which the model status was changed.
OPERATOR_ID INTEGER Internal ID of the user who performed the status change.
OPERATOR_NAME VARCHAR Name of the user who performed the status change.
MODEL_ID INTEGER Internal ID of the model for which information is listed.
SCHEMA_NAME VARCHAR Name of the schema that contains the model. This value is NULL if the model has been dropped.

Name of the model. This value is NULL if the model has been dropped.

Each existing model can be uniquely identified by either its [schema_name.]model_name or the combination of its REGISTERED_NAME and REGISTERED_VERSION.


If a superuser grants SELECT access of the table to the MLSUPERVISOR role, users with that role can then query the MODEL_STATUS_HISTORY table:

-- as superuser
=> GRANT SELECT ON TABLE v_monitor.model_status_history TO MLSUPERVISOR;
WARNING 8555:  You are granting privilege on a system table used by superuser only. Revoke the grant if you are unsure

-- as user with MLSUPERVISOR role
 registered_name | registered_version |  new_status  |  old_status  |       status_change_time      | operator_id | operator_name |  model_id  | schema_name |    model_name
-----------------+--------------------+--------------+------------- +-------------------------------+-------------+---------------+------------+-------------+-------------------
 app1            |                  1 | UNDER_REVIEW | UNREGISTERED | 2023-01-29 09:09:00.082166-05 | 1224567790  | u1            | 0113756739 | public      | native_linear_reg
 app1            |                  1 | STAGING      | UNDER_REVIEW | 2023-01-29 11:33:02.052464-05 | 2341679901  | supervisor1   | 0113756739 | public      | native_linear_reg
 app1            |                  1 | PRODUCTION   | STAGING      | 2023-01-30 04:12:30.481136-05 | 2341679901  | supervisor1   | 0113756739 | public      | native_linear_reg
(3 rows)

See also