The MLSUPERVISOR role is a predefined role to which all the ML-model management privileges of DBADMIN are delegated.

The MLSUPERVISOR role is a predefined role to which all the ML-model management privileges of DBADMIN are delegated. An MLSUPERVISOR can manage all models in the V_CATALOG.MODELS table on behalf of dbadmin.

In the following example, user alice uses her MLSUPERVISOR privileges to reassign ownership of the model my_model from user bob to user nina:

=> \c - alice
You are now connected as user "alice".

=> SELECT model_name, schema_name, owner_name FROM models;
 model_name  | schema_name | owner_name
 my_model    | public      | bob
 mylinearreg | myschema2   | alice
 (2 rows)


=> ALTER MODEL my_model OWNER to nina;

=> SELECT model_name, schema_name, owner_name FROM models;
 model_name  | schema_name | owner_name
 my_model    | public      | nina
 mylinearreg | myschema2   | alice
 (2 rows)

=> DROP MODEL my_model;


The following privileges are supported for the MLSUPERVISOR role:

  • ML-model management privileges of DBADMIN

  • Management (USAGE, ALTER, DROP) of all models in V_CATALOG.MODELS

To use the privileges of this role, you must explicitly enable it using SET ROLE.

See also