Records the history of deployed Database Designer designs and their deployment steps.

Records the history of deployed Database Designer designs and their deployment steps.

Column Name Data Type Description
EVENT_TIME TIMESTAMP Time when the row recorded the event.
USER_NAME VARCHAR Name of the user who deployed a design at the time Vertica recorded the session.
DEPLOY_NAME VARCHAR Name the deployment, same as the user-specified design name.
DEPLOY_STEP VARCHAR Steps in the design deployment.
DEPLOY_STEP_STATUS VARCHAR Textual status description of the current step in the deploy process.
DEPLOY_STEP_COMPLETE_PERCENT FLOAT Progress of current step in percentage (0–100).
DEPLOY_COMPLETE_PERCENT FLOAT Progress of overall deployment in percentage (0–100).
ERROR_MESSAGE VARCHAR Error or warning message during deployment.


Non-superuser: No explicit privileges required. You only see records for tables that you have privileges to view.