Returns information about and status of automatic mergeout operations.

Returns information about and status of automatic mergeout operations.

This table excludes operations with a REQUEST_TYPE of NO_WORK. It also excludes the operations of user-invoked mergeout functions, such as DO_TM_TASK.

Column Name Data Type Description
START_TIME TIMESTAMP When the Tuple Mover began processing storage location mergeout requests.
END_TIME TIMESTAMP When the mergeout finished.
TRANSACTION_ID INTEGER Identifier for the transaction within the session.
NODE_NAME VARCHAR Node name for which information is listed.
SCHEMA_NAME VARCHAR The schema for which information is listed.
TABLE_NAME VARCHAR The table for which information is listed.
PROJECTION_NAME VARCHAR The projection for which information is listed.
PROJECTION_OID INTEGER Projection's unique catalog identifier.

Identifies the type of operation performed by the tuple mover. Possible values:





Displays the status of the mergeout operation. Possible values:





THREAD_ID INTEGER The ID of the thread that performed the mergeout.
STRATA_NO INTEGER The ID of the strata the ROS container belongs to.
PARTITION_KEY INTEGER The key of the partition.
CONTAINER_COUNT INTEGER The number of ROS containers in the mergeout operation.
TOTAL_SIZE_IN_BYTES INTEGER Size in bytes of all ROS containers in the mergeout operation.


Non-superuser: No explicit privileges required. You only see records for tables that you have privileges to view.


To following statement returns failed mergeout operations for table public.store_orders.

=> SELECT node_name, schema_name, table_name, request_type, event_type FROM mergeout_profiles WHERE event_type='ERROR';
    node_name     | schema_name |  table_name  | request_type | event_type
 v_vmart_node0002 | public      | store_orders | MERGEOUT     | ERROR
 v_vmart_node0002 | public      | store_orders | MERGEOUT     | ERROR
 v_vmart_node0001 | public      | store_orders | MERGEOUT     | ERROR
 v_vmart_node0001 | public      | store_orders | MERGEOUT     | ERROR
 v_vmart_node0003 | public      | store_orders | MERGEOUT     | ERROR
 v_vmart_node0003 | public      | store_orders | MERGEOUT     | ERROR
 v_vmart_node0003 | public      | store_orders | MERGEOUT     | ERROR
 v_vmart_node0002 | public      | store_orders | MERGEOUT     | ERROR
 v_vmart_node0001 | public      | store_orders | MERGEOUT     | ERROR
 (9 rows)

See also