Provides history about system resources, such as memory, CPU, network, disk, I/O.

Provides history about system resources, such as memory, CPU, network, disk, I/O.

Column Name Data Type Description
NODE_NAME VARCHAR Name of the node that is reporting the requested information.
END_TIME TIMESTAMP End time of the history interval.
AVERAGE_MEMORY_USAGE_PERCENT FLOAT Average memory usage in percent of total memory (0-100) during the history interval.
AVERAGE_CPU_USAGE_PERCENT FLOAT Average CPU usage in percent of total CPU time (0-100) during the history interval.
NET_RX_KBYTES_PER_SECOND FLOAT Average number of kilobytes received from network (incoming) per second during the history interval.
NET_TX_KBYTES_PER_SECOND FLOAT Average number of kilobytes transmitting to network (outgoing) per second during the history interval.
IO_READ_KBYTES_PER_SECOND FLOAT Disk I/O average number of kilobytes read from disk per second during the history interval.
IO_WRITTEN_KBYTES_PER_SECOND FLOAT Average number of kilobytes written to disk per second during the history interval.

