Creating a cluster using MC

After you install and configure MC, you can use Management Console to install a Vertica cluster on hosts where Vertica software has not been installed.

Enterprise Mode only

After you install and configure MC, you can use Management Console to install a Vertica cluster on hosts where Vertica software has not been installed. The Cluster Installation assistant lets you specify the hosts you want to include in your Vertica cluster, loads the Vertica software onto the hosts, validates the hosts, and assembles the nodes into a cluster.

Complete the following tasks:

  1. Prepare the hosts - Prepare each host that will become a node in the cluster.

  2. Create a private key file - MC needs password-less SSH to connect to hosts and install Vertica software. Create a private key to enable MC access to the hosts.

  3. Use the MC cluster installation wizard - Use the wizard to install a Vertica cluster on hosts that do not have Vertica software already installed on them.

  4. Validate hosts and create the cluster - Host validation is the process where the MC runs tests against each host in a proposed cluster. You must validate hosts before the MC can install Vertica on each host.

After you successfully create a cluster using MC, see Create a database on a cluster.