Backup and restore containerized Vertica

In Vertica on Kubernetes, backup and restore operations use the same components and tooling as non-containerized environments, including the following:

Containerized backup and restore operations require that you make these components and tools available to the Vertica server process running within a pod. The following sections describe strategies that back up and restore your VerticaDB custom resource (CR) with Kubernetes objects.

For comprehensive backup and restore documentation, see Backing up and restoring the database.


Sample configuration file

The vbr configuration file defines parameters that the vbr utility uses to execute backup and restore tasks. For details, see the following:

To define a vbr configuration file in Kubernetes, you can create a ConfigMap whose data field defines vbr configuration values. After you create the ConfigMap object in your Kubernetes environment, you can run vbr commands from within a pod that has access to the ConfigMap.

The following backup-configmap.yaml manifest creates a configuration file named backup.ini that backs up to an S3 bucket:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: backup-configmap
  backup-host: |
  backup.ini: |
    cloud_storage_backup_path = s3://backup-bucket/database-backup-path
    cloud_storage_backup_file_system_path = [backup-pod-dns]:/opt/vertica/config/

    dbName = database-name

    tempDir = /tmp/vbr
    restorePointLimit = 7
    objectRestoreMode = coexist    

To create the ConfigMap object, apply the manifest to your Kubernetes environment:

$ kubectl apply -f backup-configmap.yaml

backup-host definition

In the sample configuration file, backup-pod-dns is a portion of the pod's fully qualified domain name (FQDN). Vertica on Kubernetes creates a headless service object that constructs the FQDN for each object. The DNS format for each pod is as follows:


The podName portion of the DNS is itself constructed from Kubernetes object names. For example, the following is a complete pod DNS:


In the preceding example:

  • vdb: VerticaDB CR name
  • main: Subcluster name
  • 0: StatefulSet ordinal index
  • vdb: Headless service name (always identical to the VerticaDB CR name)

To access a pod from outside the namespace, append the namespace to the pod DNS:


For additional details, see the Kubernetes documentation.

Mount the configuration file

After you define a ConfigMap with vbr configuration information, you must make it available to the Vertica pods that can execute the vbr utility. You can mount the ConfigMap as a volume in a VerticaDB CR instance. For details about mounting volumes in the VerticaDB CR, see Mounting custom volumes.

Cloud storage locations require access to information that you cannot provide in your configuration file, such as environment variables. You can set environment variables in your CR with annotations.

The following mounted-vbr-config.yaml manifest mounts a backup-config ConfigMap object in the Vertica container's /vbr directory:

kind: VerticaDB
  name: verticadb
    VBR_BACKUP_STORAGE_ENDPOINT_URL: "https://path/to/backup/storage"
    VBR_COMMUNAL_STORAGE_ENDPOINT_URL: "https://path/to/communal/storage"
    endpoint: https://path/to/s3-endpoint
    path: "s3://bucket/database-path"
  image: vertica/vertica-k8s:version
    - isPrimary: true
      name: main
    - name: backup-configmap
      mountPath: /vbr
    - name: backup-configmap
        name: backup-configmap

To mount the ConfigMap, apply the manifest

$ kubectl apply -f mounted-vbr-config.yaml

After you apply the manifest, each Vertica pod restarts, and the new backup volume is mounted.

Prepare the backup location

Before you can run a backup, you must prepare the backup location with the vbr init command. This command initializes a directory on the backup host to receive and store Vertica backup data. You need to initialize a backup location only once. For details, see Setting up backup locations.

The following backup-init.yaml manifest creates a pod to initialize the backup-host defined in the sample configuration file:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: backup-init
  restartPolicy: OnFailure
    - name: main
      image: vertica/vertica-k8s:version
        - bash
        - -c
        - "ssh -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' -i /home/dbadmin/.ssh/id_rsa dbadmin@$BACKUP_HOST '/opt/vertica/bin/vbr -t init --cloud-force-init --config-file /vbr/backup.ini'"
        - name: BACKUP_HOST
              key: backup-host
              name: backup-configmap

Apply the manifest to initialize the backup location:

$ kubectl create -f backup-init.yaml

Run a backup

Your organization might run backups as needed or on a schedule. The following sections use the sample configuration file ConfigMap to demonstrate both scenarios.

On-demand backups

In some circumstances, you might need to run backup operations as needed. You can create a Kubernetes Job to run an on-demand backup. The following backup-on-demand.yaml manifest creates a Job object that executes a backup:

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
  generateName: vertica-backup-
      restartPolicy: OnFailure
        - name: main
          image: vertica/vertica-k8s:version
            - bash
            - -c
            - "ssh -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' -i /home/dbadmin/.ssh/id_rsa dbadmin@$BACKUP_HOST '/opt/vertica/bin/vbr -t backup --config-file /vbr/backup.ini'"
            - name: BACKUP_HOST
                  key: backup-host
                  name: backup-configmap

Each time that you want to create a new backup, execute the following command:

$ kubectl create -f backup-on-demand.yaml

Scheduled backups

You might need to schedule a backup at a fixed time or interval. You can run the backup as a Kubenetes CronJob object that schedules a Kubernetes Job as specified in Cron format.

The following backup-cronjob.yaml manifest runs a daily backup at 2:00 AM:

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: CronJob
  generateName: vertica-backup-
  schedule: "00 2 * * *"
          restartPolicy: OnFailure
            - name: main
              image: vertica/vertica-k8s:version
                - bash
                - -c
                - "ssh -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' -i /home/dbadmin/.ssh/id_rsa dbadmin@$BACKUP_HOST '/opt/vertica/bin/vbr -t backup --config-file /vbr/backup.ini'"
                - name: BACKUP_HOST
                      key: backup-host
                      name: backup-configmap

To schedule the backup, create the CronJob object:

$ kubectl create -f backup-cronjob.yaml

Restore from a backup

You can create a Kubernetes Job to restore database objects from a backup. For comprehensive documentation about the vbr restore task, see Restoring backups.

The following restore-on-demand-job.yaml manifest creates a Job object that restores a database:

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
  generateName: vertica-restore-
      restartPolicy: OnFailure
        - name: main
          image: vertica/vertica-k8s:version
            - bash
            - -c
            - "ssh -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' -i /home/dbadmin/.ssh/id_rsa dbadmin@$BACKUP_HOST '/opt/vertica/bin/vbr -t restore --config-file /vbr/backup.ini'"
            - name: BACKUP_HOST
                  key: backup-host
                  name: backup-configmap

The restore process requires that you stop the database, run the restore operation, and then restart the database. This workflow requires additional steps in a containerized environment because Kubernetes has components that monitor and maintain the desired state of the database. You must temporarily adjust some settings to provide time for the restore operation to complete. For details about the settings in this section, see Custom resource definition parameters.

The following steps change the environment for the resource process and then restore the original values:

  1. Update the CR to extend the livenessProbe timeout. This timeout triggers a container restart when it expires. The default livenessProbe timeout is about two and half minutes, which does not provide enough time to restore the database. The following patch command uses the livenessProberOverride parameter to set the timeout to about 20 minutes:

    $ kubectl patch vdb customResourceName --type=json --patch '[ { "op": "add", "path": "/spec/livenessProbeOverride", "value": {"initialDelaySeconds": 60, "periodSeconds": 30, "failureThreshold": 38}}]'
  2. Delete the StatefulSet for each subcluster so that the pods are restarted with the new livenessProberOverride setting:

    $ kubectl delete statefulset customResourceName-subclusterName
  3. Wait until the pods restart and the new pod IPs are present in admintools.conf:

    $ kubectl wait --for=condition=Ready=True pod --timeout=10m
  4. Set autoRestartVertica to false so that the Vertica server process does not automatically restart when you stop the database:

    $ kubectl patch vdb customResourceName --type=merge --patch '{"spec": {"autoRestartVertica": false}}'
  5. Access a shell in a host that is running a Vertica pod, and stop the database with admintools:

    $ kubectl exec -it hostname -- admintools -t stop_db -d database-name

    After you stop the database, wait for the cluster lease to expire.

  6. Apply the manifest to run a Job that restores the backup:

    $ kubectl create -f restore-on-demand-job.yaml
  7. After the Job completes, use patch to reset the livenessProbe timeout to its default setting:

    $ kubectl patch vdb customResourceName --type=json --patch '[{ "op": "remove", "path": "/spec/livenessProbeOverride" }]'
  8. Set autoRestartVertica back to true to reset the restart behavior to its state before the restore operation:

    $ kubectl patch vdb customResourceName --type=merge --patch '{"spec": {"autoRestartVertica": true}}'
  9. To speed up the restart process, delete the StatefulSet for each subcluster. The restart speed was affected when you increased the livenessProbeOverride setting:

    $ kubectl delete statefulset customResourceName-subclusterName
  10. Wait for the Vertica server to restart:

    $ kubectl wait --for=condition=Ready=True pod --timeout=10m