Setting a hard limit on concurrency for an application

For billing purposes, analyst Jane would like to impose a hard limit on concurrency for this application.


For billing purposes, analyst Jane would like to impose a hard limit on concurrency for this application. How can she achieve this?


The simplest solution is to create a separate resource pool for the users of that application and set its MAXCONCURRENCY to the desired concurrency level. Any queries beyond MAXCONCURRENCY are queued.


In this example, there are four billing users associated with the billing pool. The objective is to set a hard limit on the resource pool so a maximum of three concurrent queries can be executed at one time. All other queries will queue and complete as resources are freed.

=> CREATE USER bill1_user RESOURCE POOL billing_pool;
=> CREATE USER bill2_user RESOURCE POOL billing_pool;
=> CREATE USER bill3_user RESOURCE POOL billing_pool;
=> CREATE USER bill4_user RESOURCE POOL billing_pool;
=> \x
Expanded display is on.

=> select maxconcurrency,queuetimeout from resource_pools where name = 'billing_pool';
maxconcurrency | queuetimeout
             3 |            2
(1 row)
> SELECT reason, resource_type, rejection_count  FROM RESOURCE_REJECTIONS
WHERE pool_name = 'billing_pool' AND node_name ilike '%node0001';
reason                                | resource_type | rejection_count
Timedout waiting for resource request | Queries       |              16
(1 row)

If queries are running and do not complete in the allotted time (default timeout setting is 5 minutes), the next query requested gets an error similar to the following:

ERROR:  Insufficient resources to initiate plan on pool billing_pool [Timedout waiting for resource request: Request exceeds limits:
Queries Exceeded: Requested = 1, Free = 0 (Limit = 3, Used = 3)]

The table below shows that there are three active queries on the billing pool.

=> SELECT pool_name, thread_count, open_file_handle_count, memory_inuse_kb FROM RESOURCE_ACQUISITIONS
WHERE pool_name = 'billing_pool';
pool_name    | thread_count | open_file_handle_count | memory_inuse_kb
billing_pool |            4 |                      5 |          132870
billing_pool |            4 |                      5 |          132870
billing_pool |            4 |                      5 |          132870
(3 rows)