Starting and stopping subclusters in MC

On the Manage > Subclusters tab, the tool bar displays the available subcluster actions above each subcluster.

For Eon Mode databases, MC supports actions for subcluster and node management for the following public and private cloud providers:

On the Manage > Subclusters tab, the tool bar displays the available subcluster actions above each subcluster. For example, the screen capture below shows the available actions for the default subcluster, which is also the primary subcluster: Rebalance, Stop (grayed out), Scale Up, Scale Down, and Terminate (grayed out).

Why are some actions grayed out?

Stop and Terminate are grayed out in this example because if you stopped or terminated the only primary subcluster, the database would shut down. For each subcluster, Stop displays if the subcluster is currently running, or Start displays if the subcluster is currently stopped. Both Stop and Terminate are grayed out if their execution would be unsafe for the database.

Starting a subcluster in the cloud

You can start any subcluster that is currently stopped.

  1. In the Manage > Subclusters tab, locate the subcluster you want to start.

  2. Just above it on the right, click Start.

  3. In the Start Subcluster screen, click the check box to confirm you want to start the subcluster.

    MC displays a progress screen while the startup tasks are executing.

  4. When all the tasks are checked, click Close.

    The Manage > Subclusters tab shows that your subcluster is started and its nodes are up.

Stopping a subcluster in the cloud

You can stop a primary subcluster only if there is another primary subcluster in the database with node count greater at least by 1 node, to maintain K-safety.

You can add a second primary subcluster in order to stop the original primary. Be sure to make the replacement primary subcluster at least one node larger than the original. (If you make them the same size, they both count equally toward the quorum, and stopping either would violate the quorum, so you cannot stop either one. For more information, see Data integrity and high availability in an Eon Mode database.)

You can stop a secondary subcluster anytime, to save money on cloud resources.

  1. In the Manage > Subclusters tab, locate the subcluster you want to stop.

    If the Stop button is displayed but grayed out, you cannot stop this subcluster because doing so would shut down the database.

  2. Just above the subcluster on the right, click Stop.

  3. In the Stop Subcluster window, click the check box to confirm you want to stop the subcluster.

    MC displays a progress screen while the subcluster stopping tasks are executing.

  4. When all the tasks are checked, click Close.

    The Manage > Subclusters tab shows that your subcluster is stopped and its nodes are down.

Starting or stopping a subcluster on premises

When you start or stop a subcluster in an Eon Mode database on-premises, MC starts or stops the subcluster nodes on the Vertica host machines, but not the machines themselves.

See also

Subcluster action rules in MC