Installing Vertica

On CentOS, RedHat, and openSUSE:.
  1. To install from the binary, run the command based on your distribution.

    On CentOS, RedHat, and openSUSE:

    $ sudo rpm -Uvh vertica-version.RHEL8.x86_64.rpm

    On Debian and Ubuntu:

    $ sudo dpkg -i vertica_version_amd64.deb
  2. Run the installation script. The following command specifies the localhost, the rpm, a database admin, and home directory.

    $ sudo /opt/vertica/sbin/install_vertica -s localhost -r vertica-version.RHEL8.x86_64.rpm
    -u dbadmin -g dbadmin -d /home/dbadmin -p vertica -L -Y
  3. Switch to the newly created dbadmin user.

    $ su dbadmin
  4. Run admintools and accept the EULA and operating license.

    $ admintools
  5. Creating a database and users.