Connecting clients

Vertica supports several third-party clients.

Vertica supports several third-party clients. A list of Vertica client drivers can be found here.

Connecting to DbVisualizer

  1. Download the DbVisualizer client application.

  2. Create a database. Database Menu -> Create Database Connection.

  3. Specify a name for the connection.

  4. In the "Driver (JDBC)" field, specify Vertica.

  5. In the "Database Server" field, specify an IP address.

  6. In the "Database Port" field, specify a port number.

  7. In the "Database Name" field, specify a database name.

  8. In the "Database Userid" field, specify a username.

  9. In the "Database Password" field, specify a password.

  10. Use the "ping" function to test the connection.

Connecting to tableau

  1. Download Tableau.

  2. Open Tableau Desktop.

  3. Select Server Connection.

  4. Select Vertica as the server type.

  5. Set the Server IP.

  6. Set the Port to "vdb".

  7. Sign into the database.