Installing and connecting to the VMart example database

Follow the steps in this section to create the fully functioning, multi-schema VMart example database to run sample queries.

Follow the steps in this section to create the fully functioning, multi-schema VMart example database to run sample queries. The number of example databases you create within a single Vertica installation is limited only by the disk space available on your system. However, Vertica strongly recommends that you start only one example database at a time to avoid unpredictable results.

Vertica provides two options to install the example database:

  • Quick Installation Using a Script: This option lets you create the example database and start using it immediately. Use this method to bypass the schema and table creation processes and start querying immediately.

  • Advanced Installation. The advance option is an advanced-but-simple example database installation using the Administration Tools interface. Use this method to better understand the database creation process and practice creating a schema, creating tables, and loading data.