Messages associated with SQLSTATE 42809

This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42809.

This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 42809.

SQLSTATE 42809 description


Messages associated with this SQLState

ERROR 2011: string cannot use the WITHIN GROUP clause
ERROR 2037: string is not a supported analytic function
ERROR 2131: Aggregate function calls cannot contain analytic function
ERROR 2132: Aggregate function calls cannot contain sequence function
ERROR 2668: Column notation .string applied to type string, which is not a
            composite type
ERROR 2755: COPY requires relation string to be a Table, not a string
ERROR 2810: Could not add location [string]: Directory not empty
ERROR 2811: Could not add location [string]: Not a directory
ERROR 3114: DISTINCT specified, but string is not an aggregate function
ERROR 3327: Existing object "string" is not a view
ERROR 3421: First argument to modularhash_wrapper must be an integer
ERROR 3422: First argument to modularhash_wrapper must be of type
            integer, not string
ERROR 3463: Function string(string) is not an aggregate
ERROR 3669: Invalid function given
ERROR 3965: modularhash_wrapper must have two arguments: an integer
            constant and a call to modularhash_internal
ERROR 3966: modularhash_wrapper second argument is not
            modularhash_internal or a constant
ERROR 4215: Object "string" is not a projection
ERROR 4270: Op ANY/ALL (array) requires array on right side
ERROR 4271: Op ANY/ALL (array) requires operator not to return a set
ERROR 4272: Op ANY/ALL (array) requires operator to yield boolean
ERROR 4542: Record type has not been registered
ERROR 4657: Second argument to string must be a non-negative integer
ERROR 4931: The argument to string cannot be null
ERROR 4932: The argument to string must be a constant
ERROR 4987: Third argument to string must be a constant
ERROR 5111: Type string is not composite
ERROR 6036: Table "string" is not a flex table
ERROR 6691: CAST and current_date/current_time functions are not
            supported as analytic functions
ERROR 6951: Skip lazy projection creation for table string.string since the
            object referenced by the hint is either invalid or of the
            wrong type (expected string)
ERROR 9898: The first argument of type [string] is not an array type
ERROR 9899: The second argument of type [string] is not a scalar type
ERROR 9936: Cannot coerce array to a definite data type
ERROR 10268: Query returned null where a value was expected
ERROR 10314: Cannot assign null into NOT NULL variable
ERROR 10433: string is a stored procedure
ERROR 10576: Distinct aggregates cannot use the within group order by