Messages associated with SQLSTATE 22V24

This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 22V24.

This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 22V24.

SQLSTATE 22V24 description


Messages associated with this SQLState

Error messages

ERROR 6703: Corrupt ORC source!
ERROR 6723: Data type string is not supported for the ORC file format
ERROR 6777: Failed to read ORC source [string]
ERROR 6778: Failed to read ORC source [string]: string
ERROR 7087: Attempt to load value columns from an ORC source [string] that
            has value columns
ERROR 7127: The table has value columns, but the ORC source [string] has value
ERROR 7157: Attempt to load value columns from an ORC source [string] that
            has value columns and value partition columns
ERROR 7202: The table has value columns, but the ORC source [string] has value
            columns and value partition columns
ERROR 7241: Corrupt parquet source!
ERROR 7246: Data type string is not supported for the PARQUET file format
ERROR 7257: Failed to read parquet source [string]
ERROR 7258: Failed to read parquet source [string]: string
ERROR 7985: Decimal type with precision value (> 38) is not supported
ERROR 8862: No ORC Column Readers found for column [value]
ERROR 9135: Attempt to load value columns from a parquet source [string] that
            has value columns
ERROR 9156: Datatype mismatch: column value in the parquet source [string]
            has primitive type string, expected complex type
ERROR 9171: The table has value columns, but the parquet source [string] has
            value columns
ERROR 9252: Corrupted Schema of Parquet file
ERROR 9258: No parquet file was found in [string]
ERROR 9266: Byte array as Numeric is not supported right now
ERROR 9289: Datatype mismatch: column value in the parquet source [string]
            does not have the expected ARRAY type at string
ERROR 9290: Datatype mismatch: column value in the parquet source [string]
            does not have the expected MAP type at string
ERROR 9295: Datatype mismatch: column value in the parquet source [string]
            has ARRAY type. Expected ROW type at string
ERROR 9296: Datatype mismatch: column value in the parquet source [string]
            has MAP type. Expected ROW type at string
ERROR 9299: Source has unsupported MAP type at string
ERROR 9325: Source has unsupported ARRAY type at string
ERROR 9399: Datatype mismatch: column value in the parquet source [string]
            has stringstringvalue typestringstring, expected primitive type string
ERROR 9400: Datatype mismatch: column value in the parquet source [string]
            has stringstringvalue stringstringstring, expected string
ERROR 9401: Datatype mismatch: column value in the parquet source [string]
            has different string type field count. Source has value at string,
            expected value
ERROR 9402: Datatype mismatch: column value in the parquet source [string]
            has different ROW type. Source has primitive type string at
            string, expected complex type
ERROR 9520: Attempt to load value columns from a parquet source [string] that
            has value columns and value partition columns
ERROR 9524: The table has value columns, but the parquet source [string] has
            value columns and value partition columns
ERROR 9699: Datatype mismatch: column "string" in the ORC source [string] has
            type string, expected string
ERROR 9700: Datatype mismatch: column "string" in the ORC source [string] has
            type string, expected ARRAY type
ERROR 9701: Datatype mismatch: column "string" in the ORC source [string] has
            type string, expected MAP type
ERROR 9702: Datatype mismatch: column "string" in the ORC source [string] has
            type string, expected ROW type
ERROR 9703: Datatype mismatch: column "string" in the ORC source [string] has
            type LIST of string, expected string
ERROR 9705: Datatype mismatch: Field "string" in the ORC source [string] has
            type string, expected string
ERROR 9706: Datatype mismatch: Field "string" in the ORC source [string] has
            type string, expected ARRAY type
ERROR 9707: Datatype mismatch: Field "string" in the ORC source [string] has
            type string, expected MAP type
ERROR 9708: Datatype mismatch: Field "string" in the ORC source [string] has
            type string, expected ROW type
ERROR 9709: Datatype mismatch: Struct type "string" in the ORC source [string]
            has fewer child fields than expected
ERROR 9710: Datatype mismatch: Struct type "string" in the ORC source [string]
            has more child fields than expected
ERROR 9842: Selected column string has a complex type
ERROR 9969: Partition Columns cannot be array type string
ERROR 10055: No orc file was found in [string]
ERROR 10591: Failed to read avro source [string]
ERROR 10592: Failed to read avro source [string]: string
ERROR 10594: No avro file was found in [string]
ERROR 10598: Failed to load schema from avro file [string]

Warning messages

WARNING 9317: Data type TIME of column [string] is not supported in
              Vertica right now. Creating this external table will
              cause errors.
WARNING 9435: Data type UNSIGNED INT64 of column [string] is not supported
              in Vertica. Numeric(20,0) is used instead