Messages associated with SQLSTATE 54001

This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 54001.

This topic lists the messages associated with the SQLSTATE 54001.

SQLSTATE 54001 description


Messages associated with this SQLState

ERROR 4588: Request size too big. Please try to simplify the query
ERROR 4963: The query contains a SET operation tree that is too
            complex to analyze
ERROR 4964: The query contains an expression that is too complex to
ERROR 7913: MLA CUBE has too many columns: value
ERROR 7914: MLA grouping sets have value elements taking too much
            memory: value bytes
ERROR 7915: Too many grouping sets generated: value
ERROR 7916: Too many grouping sets generated: value
ERROR 8031: Too many grouping elements: value, request size too big
ERROR 8037: Query plan is too large to serialize
ERROR 8617: Request size too big
ERROR 8922: Query Rejected
ERROR 9357: Query plan is too complex for the execution engine to