Install Vertica silently

This section describes how to create a properties file that lets you install and deploy Vertica-based applications quickly and without much manual intervention.

This section describes how to create a properties file that lets you install and deploy Vertica-based applications quickly and without much manual intervention.

Install the properties file:

  1. Download and install the Vertica install package, as described in Download and install the Vertica server package.

  2. Create the properties file that enables non-interactive setup by supplying the parameters you want Vertica to use. For example:

    The following command assumes a multi-node setup:

    # /opt/vertica/sbin/install_vertica --record-config file_name --license /tmp/license.txt --accept-eula \
    # --dba-user-password password --ssh-password password --hosts host_list --rpm package_name

    The following command assumes a single-node setup:

    # /opt/vertica/sbin/install_vertica --record-config file_name --license /tmp/license.txt --accept-eula \
    # --dba-user-password password
    Option Description
    --record-file file_name [Required] Accepts a file name, which when used in conjunction with command line options, creates a properties file that can be used with the --config-file option during setup. This flag creates the properties file and exits; it has no impact on installation.
    --license { license_file | CE }

    Silently and automatically deploys the license key to /opt/vertica/config/share. On multi-node installations, the –-license option also applies the license to all nodes declared in the --hosts host_list.

    If specified with CE, automatically deploys the Community Edition license key, which is included in your download. You do not need to specify a license file.

    --accept-eula Silently accepts the EULA agreement during setup.
    --dba-user-password password The password for the Database Superuser account; if not supplied, the script prompts for the password and does not echo the input.
    --ssh-password password The root password to use by default for each cluster host; if not supplied, the script prompts for the password if and when necessary and does not echo the input.
    --hosts host_list

    A comma-separated list of hostnames or IP addresses to include in the cluster; do not include space characters in the list.


    --hosts host01,host02,host03
    --rpm package_name
    --deb package_name

    The name of the RPM or Debian package that contained this script.


    --rpm vertica-23.3.x.x86_64.RHEL6.rpm

    This parameter is required on multi-node installations if the RPM or DEB package is not already installed on the other hosts.

See install_vertica options for the complete set of installation parameters.

  1. Use one of the following commands to run the installation script.
  • If you are root:

    /opt/vertica/sbin/install_vertica --config-file file_name
  • If you are using sudo:

    $ sudo /opt/vertica/sbin/install_vertica --config-file file_name

    --config-file file_name accepts an existing properties file created by --record-config file_name. This properties file contains key/value parameters that map to values in the install_vertica script, many with boolean arguments that default to false

    The command for a single-node install might look like this:

    # /opt/vertica/sbin/install_vertica --config-file /tmp/vertica-inst.prp
  1. If you did not supply a --ssh-password password parameter to the properties file, you are prompted to provide the requested password to allow installation of the RPM/DEB and system configuration of the other cluster nodes. If you are root, this is the root password. If you are using sudo, this is the sudo user password. The password does not echo on the command line.
  1. If you did not supply a --dba-user-password password parameter to the properties file, you are prompted to provide the database administrator account password.

The installation script creates a new Linux user account (dbadmin by default) with the password that you provide.

  1. Carefully examine any warnings produced by install_vertica and correct the problems if possible. For example, insufficient RAM, insufficient Network throughput and too high readahead settings on file system could cause performance problems later on.
  1. Optionally perform the following steps:
  1. Disconnect from the Administration Host as instructed by the script. This is required to:
  • Set certain system parameters correctly.

  • Function as the Vertica database administrator.

At this point, Linux root privileges are no longer needed. The database administrator can perform the remaining steps.

If you supplied the --license and --accept-eula parameters to the properties file, then proceed to Getting started and then see Configuring the database.


  1. Log in to the Database Superuser account on the administration host.

  2. Accept the End User License Agreement and install the license key you downloaded previously as described in Install the License Key.

  3. Proceed to Getting started and then see Configuring the database.


  • Downgrade installations are not supported.

  • The following is an example of the contents of the configuration properties file:

accept_eula = True
license_file = /tmp/license.txt
record_to = file_name
root_password = password
vertica_dba_group = verticadba
vertica_dba_user = dbadmin
vertica_dba_user_password = password