Returns a table that displays the points on a receiver operating characteristic curve.

Returns a table that displays the points on a receiver operating characteristic curve. The ROC function tells you the accuracy of a classification model as you raise the discrimination threshold for the model.


ROC ( targets, probabilities
              [num_bins = num-bins]
              [, AUC = output]
              [, main_class = class-name ] ) ] )


An input column that contains the true values of the response variable, one of the following data types: INTEGER, BOOLEAN, or CHAR/VARCHAR. Depending on the column data type, the function processes column data as follows:
  • INTEGER: Uses the input column as containing the true value of the response variable.

  • BOOLEAN: Resolves Yes to 1, 0 to No.

  • CHAR/VARCHAR: Resolves the value specified by parameter main_class to 1, all other values to 0.

A FLOAT input column that contains the predicted probability of response being the main class, set to 1 if targets is of type INTEGER.



An integer value that determines the number of decision boundaries. Decision boundaries are set at equally spaced intervals between 0 and 1, inclusive. The function computes the table at each num-bin + 1 point.

Default: 100

Greater values result in more precise approximations of the AUC.

A Boolean value that specifies whether to output the area under the curve (AUC) value.

Default: True


Used only if targets is of type CHAR/VARCHAR, specifies the class to associate with the probabilities argument.


Execute ROC on input table mtcars. Observed class labels are in column obs, predicted class labels are in column prob:

=> SELECT ROC(obs::int, prob::float USING PARAMETERS num_bins=5, AUC = True) OVER()
    FROM (SELECT am AS obs,
          PREDICT_LOGISTIC_REG (mpg, cyl, disp, drat, wt, qsec, vs, gear, carb
               USING PARAMETERS
                  model_name='myLogisticRegModel', type='probability') AS prob
   FROM mtcars) AS prediction_output;
 decision_boundary | false_positive_rate | true_positive_rate | AUC |comment
0                  |                   1 |                  1 |     |
0.5                |                   0 |                  1 |     |
1                  |                   0 |                  0 |   1 | Of 32 rows,32 were used and 0 were ignoreded
(3 rows)

The function returns a table with the following results:

  • decision_boundary indicates the cut-off point for whether to classify a response as 0 or 1. In each row, if prob is equal to or greater than decision_boundary, the response is classified as 1. If prob is less than decision_boundary, the response is classified as 0.

  • false_positive_rate shows the percentage of false positives (when 0 is classified as 1) in the corresponding decision_boundary.

  • true_positive_rate shows the percentage of rows that were classified as 1 and also belong to class 1.