Calculates the distance of spatial objects from a reference object and returns (object, distance) pairs in ascending order by distance from the reference object.

Calculates the distance of spatial objects from a reference object and returns (object, distance) pairs in ascending order by distance from the reference object.

Parameters g1 and g2 must be both GEOMETRY objects or both GEOGRAPHY objects.

STV_NN is an analytic function. For more information, see Analytic functions.

Behavior type



STV_NN( g, ref_obj, k ) OVER()


Spatial object, value of type GEOMETRY or GEOGRAPHY
Reference object, type GEOMETRY or GEOGRAPHY
Number of rows to return, type INTEGER


(Object, distance) pairs, in ascending order by distance. If a parameter is EMPTY or NULL, then 0 rows are returned.

Supported data types

Data Type GEOMETRY GEOGRAPHY (Perfect Sphere)
Point Yes Yes
Multipoint Yes Yes
Linestring Yes Yes
Multilinestring Yes Yes
Polygon Yes Yes
Multipolygon Yes Yes
GeometryCollection Yes No


The following example shows how to use STV_NN.

Create a table and insert nine GEOGRAPHY points:

=> CREATE TABLE points (g geography);
=> COPY points (gx filler LONG VARCHAR, g AS ST_GeographyFromText(gx)) FROM stdin delimiter '|';
Enter data to be copied followed by a newline.
End with a backslash and a period on a line by itself.
>> POINT (21.5 18.4)
>> POINT (21.5 19.2)
>> POINT (21.5 20.7)
>> POINT (22.5 16.4)
>> POINT (22.5 17.15)
>> POINT (22.5 18.33)
>> POINT (23.5 13.68)
>> POINT (23.5 15.9)
>> POINT (23.5 18.4)
>> \.

Calculate the distances (in meters) of objects in table points from the GEOGRAPHY point (23.5, 20).

Returns the five objects that are closest to that point:

=> SELECT ST_AsText(nn), dist FROM (SELECT STV_NN(g,
   ST_GeographyFromText('POINT(23.5 20)'),5) OVER() AS (nn,dist) FROM points) AS example;
     ST_AsText      |       dist
 POINT (23.5 18.4)  |  177912.12757541
 POINT (22.5 18.33) | 213339.210738322
 POINT (21.5 20.7)  |  222561.43679943
 POINT (21.5 19.2)  | 227604.371833335
 POINT (21.5 18.4)  | 275239.416790128
(5 rows)