
Exports GEOGRAPHY or GEOMETRY data from a database table or a subquery to a shapefile.

Exports GEOGRAPHY or GEOMETRY data from a database table or a subquery to a shapefile. Output is written to the directory set with STV_SetExportShapefileDirectory.

Behavior type



STV_Export2Shapefile( columns USING PARAMETERS shapefile = 'filename'
   [, overwrite = boolean ]
   [, shape = 'spatial-class'] )


The columns to export to the shapefile.

A value of asterisk (*) is the equivalent to listing all columns of the FROM clause.


Prefix of the component names of the shapefile. The following requirements apply:
  • Must end with the file extension .shp.

  • Limited to 128 octets in length—for example, city-data.shp.

To save the shapefile to a subdirectory, concatenate the subdirectory to shapefile-name—for example, visualizations/city-data.shp. The subdirectory must exist; this function does not create it.


Boolean, whether to overwrite the index, if an index exists. This parameter cannot be NULL.

Default: False

One of the following spatial classes:
  • Point

  • Polygon

  • Linestring

  • Multipoint

  • Multipolygon

  • Multilinestring

Polygons and multipolygons always have a clockwise orientation.

Default: Polygon


Three files in the shapefile export directory with the extensions .shp, .shx, and .dbf.


  • If a multipolygon, multilinestring, or multipoint contains only one element, then it is written as a polygon, line, or point, respectively.

  • Column names longer than 10 characters are truncated.

  • Empty POINTS cannot be exported.

  • All rows with NULL geometry or geography data are skipped.

  • Unsupported or invalid dates are replaced with NULLs.

  • Numeric values may lose precision when they are exported. This loss occurs because the target field in the .dbf file is a 64-bit FLOAT column, which can only represent about 15 significant digits.

  • Shapefiles cannot exceed 4GB in size. If your shapefile is too large, try splitting the data and exporting to multiple shapefiles.


The following example shows how you can use STV_Export2Shapefile to export all columns from the table geo_data to a shapefile named city-data.shp:

=> SELECT STV_Export2Shapefile(*
            USING PARAMETERS shapefile = 'visualizations/city-data.shp',
                             overwrite = true, shape = 'Point')
            FROM geo_data
            WHERE REVENUE > 25000;
 Rows Exported |                          File Path
       6442892 | v_geo-db_node0001: /home/geo/temp/visualizations/city-data.shp
(1 row)