Numeric precision parameters

The following configuration parameters let you configure numeric precision for numeric data types.

The following configuration parameters let you configure numeric precision for numeric data types. For more about using these parameters, seeNumeric data type overflow with SUM, SUM_FLOAT, and AVG.

Query the CONFIGURATION_PARAMETERS system table to determine what levels (node, session, user, database) are valid for a given parameter.
Boolean, set to one of the following:
  • 1 (true): Allows silent numeric overflow. Vertica does not implicitly extend precision of numeric data types. Vertica ignores the value of NumericSumExtraPrecisionDigits.

  • 0 (false): Vertica produces an overflow error, if a result exceeds the precision set by NumericSumExtraPrecisionDigits.

Default: 1 (true)

An integer between 0 and 20, inclusive. Vertica produces an overflow error if a result exceeds the specified precision. This parameter setting only applies if AllowNumericOverflow is set to 0 (false).

Default: 6 (places beyond the DDL-specified precision)