Constraints parameters

The following configuration parameters control how Vertica evaluates and enforces constraints.

The following configuration parameters control how Vertica evaluates and enforces constraints. All parameters are set at the database level through ALTER DATABASE.

Three of these parameters—EnableNewCheckConstraintsByDefault, EnableNewPrimaryKeysByDefault, and EnableNewUniqueKeysByDefault—can be used to enforce CHECK, PRIMARY KEY, and UNIQUE constraints, respectively. For details, see Constraint enforcement.

Boolean parameter, set to 0 or 1:
  • 0: Disable enforcement of new CHECK constraints except where the table DDL explicitly enables them.

  • 1 (default): Enforce new CHECK constraints except where the table DDL explicitly disables them.

Boolean parameter, set to 0 or 1:
  • 0 (default): Disable enforcement of new PRIMARY KEY constraints except where the table DDL explicitly enables them.

  • 1: Enforce new PRIMARY KEY constraints except where the table DDL explicitly disables them.

Boolean parameter, set to 0 or 1:
  • 0 (default): Disable enforcement of new UNIQUE constraints except where the table DDL explicitly enables them.

  • 1: Enforce new UNIQUE constraints except where the table DDL explicitly disables them.

Sets the maximum number of constraints that ANALYZE_CONSTRAINTS can handle with a single query:
  • -1 (default): No maximum set, ANALYZE_CONSTRAINTS uses a single query to evaluate all constraints within the specified scope.

  • Integer > 0: The maximum number of constraints per query. If the number of constraints to evaluate exceeds this value, ANALYZE_CONSTRAINTS handles it with multiple queries.

For details, see Distributing Constraint Analysis.