Microsoft Azure in MC

Management Console (MC) supports both Eon Mode and Enterprise Mode clusters on Microsoft Azure as described in the following table:.

Management Console (MC) supports both Eon Mode and Enterprise Mode clusters on Microsoft Azure as described in the following table:

Architecture Description
Eon Mode

Deploy an MC instance, and then provision and create an Eon Mode database from the MC. For more details, see the following:

Enterprise Mode

Deploy a four-node database comprised of one MC instance and three database nodes. In Enterprise Mode, the database uses the MC primarily as a monitoring tool. For example, you cannot provision and create a database with an Enterprise Mode MC.

For information about creating and managing an Enterprise Mode database, see Create a database using administration tools.

For additional details, see Vertica on Microsoft Azure.

Provision and monitor clusters

You can use MC to provision an Eon Mode database cluster on Azure. For details, see Creating an Eon Mode cluster and database in Azure in MC.

MC provides specific resources for monitoring database clusters on Azure. For details, see Managing an Eon Mode database in the cloud.

You can revive a stopped Eon Mode database on Azure using MC. For details, see Reviving an Eon Mode database on Azure in MC.

Managing your cluster in MC

  1. On the MC home page, click View Infrastructure. MC displays the Database and Cluster View. This view shows your infrastructure platform, cluster, and database.

  2. On the left side of the screen next to Clusters, click the square for the cluster you want to manage. MC displays a window with your cluster name, an information summary, and several buttons.

  3. Click Manage. The Cluster page displays.

  4. On the Cluster page, you can view the following information:

    • The instances in your cluster in visual format.

    • The status of each instance, whether it is running.

    • The private and public IP address for each cluster instance.

    • The Vertica version that is running, your region, and your instance type in the Cluster pane.

Cluster actions on Azure in MC

On the Cluster page, you can perform the following cluster actions:

  • Start Cluster: Starts the instances, then starts the database. For Eon Mode databases, MC repopulates the nodes with data from the storage account container.

  • Stop Cluster: Stops the nodes in the database, then stops their cloud instances.

  • Advanced > Terminate: Stops the database, then terminates the cloud instances.

Subcluster management

You can add, Scale Up, Scale Down, remove, and terminate subclusters with MC. For details, see the following:

Node management

You add or delete nodes by scaling subclusters up or down. You can also start, stop, and restart nodes. For details, see the following:


You cannot revive an Eon Mode database with the MC.