Transforms the data using an SVD model.

Transforms the data using an SVD model. This computes the matrix U of the SVD decomposition.


APPLY_SVD ( input-columns
        USING PARAMETERS model_name = 'model-name'
            [, num_components = num-components]
            [, cutoff = cutoff-value]
            [, match_by_pos = match-by-position]
            [, exclude_columns = 'excluded-columns']
            [, key_columns = 'key-columns'] )


Comma-separated list of columns that contain the data matrix, or asterisk (*) to select all columns. The following requirements apply:
  • All columns must be a numeric data type.

  • Enclose the column name in double quotes if it contains special characters.



Name of the model (case-insensitive).

The number of components to keep in the model. This is the number of output columns that will be generated. If neither this parameter nor the cutoff parameter is provided, all components from the model are kept.
Set to 1, specifies the minimum accumulated explained variance. Components are taken until the accumulated explained variance reaches this value. If you omit this parameter and the num_components parameter, all model components are kept.
Boolean value that specifies how input columns are matched to model columns:
  • false (default): Match by name.

  • true: Match by the position of columns in the input columns list.


Comma-separated list of column names from input-columns to exclude from processing.

Comma-separated list of column names from input-columns that identify its data rows. These columns are included in the output table.


=> SELECT SVD ('svdmodel', 'small_svd', 'x1,x2,x3,x4');
Finished in 1 iterations.
Accepted Rows: 8  Rejected Rows: 0
(1 row)

=> CREATE TABLE transform_svd AS SELECT
     APPLY_SVD (id, x1, x2, x3, x4 USING PARAMETERS model_name='svdmodel', exclude_columns='id', key_columns='id')
     OVER () FROM small_svd;

=> SELECT * FROM transform_svd;
id  |       col1        |        col2         |        col3         |        col4
4   |  0.44849499240202 |  -0.347260956311326 |   0.186958376368345 |  0.378561270493651
6   |  0.17652411036246 | -0.0753183783382909 |  -0.678196192333598 | 0.0567124770173372
1   | 0.494871802886819 |   0.161721379259287 |  0.0712816417153664 | -0.473145877877408
2   |  0.17652411036246 | -0.0753183783382909 |  -0.678196192333598 | 0.0567124770173372
3   | 0.150974762654569 |   0.589561842046029 | 0.00392654610109522 |  0.360011163271921
5   | 0.494871802886819 |   0.161721379259287 |  0.0712816417153664 | -0.473145877877408
8   |  0.44849499240202 |  -0.347260956311326 |   0.186958376368345 |  0.378561270493651
7   | 0.150974762654569 |   0.589561842046029 | 0.00392654610109522 |  0.360011163271921
(8 rows)

=> SELECT APPLY_INVERSE_SVD (* USING PARAMETERS model_name='svdmodel', exclude_columns='id',
key_columns='id') OVER () FROM transform_svd;
id  |        x1        |        x2        |        x3        |        x4
4 | 91.4056627665577 | 44.7629617207482 | 83.1704961993117 | 38.9274292265543
6 | 20.6468626294368 | 9.30974906868751 | 8.71006863405534 |  6.5855928603967
7 | 31.2494347777156 | 20.6336519003026 | 27.5668287751507 | 5.84427645886865
1 |  107.93376580719 | 51.6980548011917 | 97.9665796560552 | 40.4918236881051
2 | 20.6468626294368 | 9.30974906868751 | 8.71006863405534 |  6.5855928603967
3 | 31.2494347777156 | 20.6336519003026 | 27.5668287751507 | 5.84427645886865
5 |  107.93376580719 | 51.6980548011917 | 97.9665796560552 | 40.4918236881051
8 | 91.4056627665577 | 44.7629617207482 | 83.1704961993117 | 38.9274292265543
(8 rows)

See also