Computes singular values (the diagonal of the S matrix) and right singular vectors (the V matrix) of an SVD decomposition of the input relation.

Computes singular values (the diagonal of the S matrix) and right singular vectors (the V matrix) of an SVD decomposition of the input relation. The results are saved as an SVD model. The signs of all elements of a singular vector in SVD could be flipped all together on different runs.

This is a meta-function. You must call meta-functions in a top-level SELECT statement.

Behavior type



SVD ( 'model-name', 'input-relation', 'input-columns'
              [exclude_columns = 'excluded-columns']
              [, num_components = num-components]
              [, method = 'method'] ] )


Identifies the model to create, where model-name conforms to conventions described in Identifiers. It must also be unique among all names of sequences, tables, projections, views, and models within the same schema.
The table or view that contains the input data for SVD.
Comma-separated list of columns to use from the input relation, or asterisk (*) to select all columns. Input columns must be a numeric data type.



Comma-separated list of column names from input-columns to exclude from processing.

The number of components to keep in the model. The maximum number of components is the number of non-zero singular values computed, which is less than or equal to min (number of columns, number of rows). If you omit this parameter, all components are kept.
The method used to calculate SVD, can be set to LAPACK.

Model attributes

The information about columns from the input relation used for creating the SVD model:
  • index

  • name

The information about singular values found. They are sorted in descending order:
  • index

  • value

  • explained_variance : percentage of the variance in data that can be attributed to this singular value

  • accumulated_explained_variance : percentage of the variance in data that can be retained if we drop all singular values after this current one

The right singular vectors corresponding to the singular values mentioned above:
  • index: indices of the elements in each vector

  • vector1

  • vector2

  • ...

The information collected during training the model, stored as name-value pairs:
  • counter_name

    • accepted_row_count: number of valid rows in the data

    • rejected_row_count: number of invalid rows (having NULL, INF or NaN) in the data

    • iteration_count: number of iterations, always 1 for the current implementation of SVD

  • counter_value

The function call that created the model.



  • CREATE privileges on the schema where the model is created

  • SELECT privileges on the input relation


=> SELECT SVD ('svdmodel', 'small_svd', 'x1,x2,x3,x4');
Finished in 1 iterations.
Accepted Rows: 8  Rejected Rows: 0
(1 row)

=> CREATE TABLE transform_svd AS SELECT
     APPLY_SVD (id, x1, x2, x3, x4 USING PARAMETERS model_name='svdmodel', exclude_columns='id', key_columns='id')
     OVER () FROM small_svd;

=> SELECT * FROM transform_svd;
id  |       col1        |        col2         |        col3         |        col4
4   |  0.44849499240202 |  -0.347260956311326 |   0.186958376368345 |  0.378561270493651
6   |  0.17652411036246 | -0.0753183783382909 |  -0.678196192333598 | 0.0567124770173372
1   | 0.494871802886819 |   0.161721379259287 |  0.0712816417153664 | -0.473145877877408
2   |  0.17652411036246 | -0.0753183783382909 |  -0.678196192333598 | 0.0567124770173372
3   | 0.150974762654569 |   0.589561842046029 | 0.00392654610109522 |  0.360011163271921
5   | 0.494871802886819 |   0.161721379259287 |  0.0712816417153664 | -0.473145877877408
8   |  0.44849499240202 |  -0.347260956311326 |   0.186958376368345 |  0.378561270493651
7   | 0.150974762654569 |   0.589561842046029 | 0.00392654610109522 |  0.360011163271921
(8 rows)

=> SELECT APPLY_INVERSE_SVD (* USING PARAMETERS model_name='svdmodel', exclude_columns='id',
key_columns='id') OVER () FROM transform_svd;
id  |        x1        |        x2        |        x3        |        x4
4 | 91.4056627665577 | 44.7629617207482 | 83.1704961993117 | 38.9274292265543
6 | 20.6468626294368 | 9.30974906868751 | 8.71006863405534 |  6.5855928603967
7 | 31.2494347777156 | 20.6336519003026 | 27.5668287751507 | 5.84427645886865
1 |  107.93376580719 | 51.6980548011917 | 97.9665796560552 | 40.4918236881051
2 | 20.6468626294368 | 9.30974906868751 | 8.71006863405534 |  6.5855928603967
3 | 31.2494347777156 | 20.6336519003026 | 27.5668287751507 | 5.84427645886865
5 |  107.93376580719 | 51.6980548011917 | 97.9665796560552 | 40.4918236881051
8 | 91.4056627665577 | 44.7629617207482 | 83.1704961993117 | 38.9274292265543
(8 rows)

See also