Account locking

In a profile, you can set a password policy for how many consecutive failed login attempts a user account is allowed before locking.

In a profile, you can set a password policy for how many consecutive failed login attempts a user account is allowed before locking. This locking mechanism helps prevent dictionary-style brute-force attempts to guess users' passwords.

Set account locking

Set this value using the FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS parameter using the CREATE PROFILE or ALTER PROFILE statement.

Vertica locks any user account that has more consecutive failed login attempts than the value to which you set FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS. The user cannot log in to a locked account, even by supplying the correct password.

Unlock a locked account

You can unlock accounts in one of two ways, depending on your privileges.

  • Manually: If you are a superuser , you can manually unlock the account using the ALTER USER command.

  • Password Lock Time Setting: PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME specifies the number of days (units configurable with PasswordLockTimeUnit) an account is locked after a specified number of failed login attempts (configurable with FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS). Vertica automatically unlocks the account after the specified number of days has passed.

    If you set this parameter to UNLIMITED, the user's account is never automatically unlocked and a superuser must manually unlock it.