
This table contains metadata related to data streaming sources.

This table contains metadata related to data streaming sources.

This table was formerly named kafka_config.kafka_scheduler.

Column Data Type Description
id INTEGER The identification number of the source
source VARCHAR The name of the source.
cluster INTEGER The identification number of the cluster associated with the source.
partitions INTEGER The number of partitions in the source.
enabled BOOLEAN When TRUE, the source is enabled for use.


This example shows a typical row from the stream_sources table.

select * from  stream_config.stream_sources;
-[ RECORD 1 ]--------------
   id         | 1
   source     | SourceFeed1
   cluster    | 1
   partitions | 1
   enabled    | t
-[ RECORD 2 ]--------------
   id         | 250001
   source     | SourceFeed2
   cluster    | 1
   partitions | 1
   enabled    | t