How the HCatalog Connector works

When planning a query that accesses data from a Hive table, the Vertica HCatalog Connector on the initiator node contacts HiveServer2 (or WebHCat) in your Hadoop cluster to determine if the table exists.

When planning a query that accesses data from a Hive table, the Vertica HCatalog Connector on the initiator node contacts HiveServer2 (or WebHCat) in your Hadoop cluster to determine if the table exists. If it does, the connector retrieves the table's metadata from the metastore database so the query planning can continue. When the query executes, all nodes in the Vertica cluster directly retrieve the data necessary for completing the query from HDFS. They then use the Hive SerDe classes to extract the data so the query can execute. When accessing data in ORC or Parquet format, the HCatalog Connector uses Vertica's internal readers for these formats instead of the Hive SerDe classes.

This approach takes advantage of the parallel nature of both Vertica and Hadoop. In addition, by performing the retrieval and extraction of data directly, the HCatalog Connector reduces the impact of the query on the Hadoop cluster.

For files in the Optimized Columnar Row (ORC) or Parquet format that do not use complex types, the HCatalog Connector creates an external table and uses the ORC or Parquet reader instead of using the Java SerDe. You can direct these readers to access custom Hive partition locations if Hive used them when writing the data. By default these extra checks are turned off to improve performance.