Token expiration

Vertica uses Hadoop tokens when using Kerberos tickets (Using Kerberos from [%=Vertica.DBMS_SHORT%]) or doAs (User Impersonation (doAs)).

Vertica uses Hadoop tokens when using Kerberos tickets (Using Kerberos with Vertica) or doAs (User impersonation (doAs)). Vertica attempts to automatically refresh Hadoop tokens before they expire, but you can also set a minimum refresh frequency if you prefer. Use the HadoopFSTokenRefreshFrequency configuration parameter to specify the frequency in seconds:

=> ALTER DATABASE exampledb SET HadoopFSTokenRefreshFrequency = '86400';

If the current age of the token is greater than the value specified in this parameter, Vertica refreshes the token before accessing data stored in HDFS.

Vertica does not refresh delegation tokens (Bring your own delegation token).