C++ example: BasicIntegerParser

The BasicIntegerParser example parses a string of integers separated by non-numeric characters.

The BasicIntegerParser example parses a string of integers separated by non-numeric characters. For a version of this parser that uses continuous load, see C++ example: ContinuousIntegerParser.

Loading and using the example

Load and use the BasicIntegerParser example as follows.

=> CREATE LIBRARY BasicIntegerParserLib AS '/home/dbadmin/BIP.so';

=> CREATE PARSER BasicIntegerParser AS
LANGUAGE 'C++' NAME 'BasicIntegerParserFactory' LIBRARY BasicIntegerParserLib;

=> CREATE TABLE t (i integer);

=> COPY t FROM stdin WITH PARSER BasicIntegerParser();


The BasicIntegerParser class implements only the process() method from the API. (It also implements a helper method for type conversion.) This method processes each line of input, looking for numbers on each line. When it advances to a new line it moves the input.offset marker and checks the input state. It then writes the output.

    virtual StreamState process(ServerInterface &srvInterface, DataBuffer &input,
                InputState input_state) {
        // WARNING: This implementation is not trying for efficiency.
        // It is trying for simplicity, for demonstration purposes.

        size_t start = input.offset;
        const size_t end = input.size;

        do {
            bool found_newline = false;
            size_t numEnd = start;
            for (; numEnd < end; numEnd++) {
                if (input.buf[numEnd] < '0' || input.buf[numEnd] > '9') {
                    found_newline = true;

            if (!found_newline) {
                input.offset = start;
                if (input_state == END_OF_FILE) {
                    // If we're at end-of-file,
                    // emit the last integer (if any) and return DONE.
                    if (start != end) {
                        writer->setInt(0, strToInt(input.buf + start, input.buf + numEnd));
                    return DONE;
                } else {
                    // Otherwise, we need more data.
                    return INPUT_NEEDED;

            writer->setInt(0, strToInt(input.buf + start, input.buf + numEnd));

            start = numEnd + 1;
        } while (true);

In the factory, the plan() method is a no-op; there are no parameters to check. The prepare() method instantiates the parser using the macro provided by the SDK:

    virtual UDParser* prepare(ServerInterface &srvInterface,
            PerColumnParamReader &perColumnParamReader,
            PlanContext &planCtxt,
            const SizedColumnTypes &returnType) {

        return vt_createFuncObject<BasicIntegerParser>(srvInterface.allocator);

The getParserReturnType() method declares the single output:

    virtual void getParserReturnType(ServerInterface &srvInterface,
            PerColumnParamReader &perColumnParamReader,
            PlanContext &planCtxt,
            const SizedColumnTypes &argTypes,
            SizedColumnTypes &returnType) {
        // We only and always have a single integer column

As for all UDxs written in C++, the example ends by registering its factory:
