Setting null input and volatility behavior for R functions

Vertica supports defining volatility and null-input settings for UDxs written in R.

Vertica supports defining volatility and null-input settings for UDxs written in R. Both settings aid in the performance of your R function.

Volatility settings

Volatility settings describe the behavior of the function to the Vertica optimizer. For example, if you have identical rows of input data and you know the UDx is immutable, then you can define the UDx as IMMUTABLE. This tells the Vertica optimizer that it can return a cached value for subsequent identical rows on which the function is called rather than having the function run on each identical row.

To indicate your UDx's volatility, set the volatility parameter of your R factory function to one of the following values:

Value Description
VOLATILE Repeated calls to the function with the same arguments always result in different values. Vertica always calls volatile functions for each invocation.
IMMUTABLE Calls to the function with the same arguments always results in the same return value.
STABLE Repeated calls to the function with the same arguments within the same statement returns the same output. For example, a function that returns the current user name is stable because the user cannot change within a statement. The user name could change between statements.
DEFAULT_VOLATILITY The default volatility. This is the same as VOLATILE.

If you do not define a volatility, then the function is considered to be VOLATILE.

The following example sets the volatility to STABLE in the multiplyTwoIntsFactory function:

multiplyTwoIntsFactory <- function() {
  list(name                  = multiplyTwoInts,
       udxtype               = c("scalar"),
       intype                = c("float","float"),
       outtype               = c("float"),
       volatility            = c("stable"),
       parametertypecallback = multiplyTwoIntsParameters)

Null input behavior

Null input setting determine how to respond to rows that have null input. For example, you can choose to return null if any inputs are null rather than calling the function and having the function deal with a NULL input.

To indicate how your UDx reacts to NULL input, set the strictness parameter of your R factory function to one of the following values:

Value Description
CALLED_ON_NULL_INPUT The function must be called, even if one or more arguments are NULL.
RETURN_NULL_ON_NULL_INPUT The function always returns a NULL value if any of its arguments are NULL.
DEFAULT_STRICTNESS The default strictness setting. This is the same as CALLED_ON_NULL_INPUT.

If you do not define a null input behavior, then the function is called on every row of data regardless of the presence of NULL values.

The following example sets the NULL input behavior to STRICT in the multiplyTwoIntsFactory function:

multiplyTwoIntsFactory <- function() {
  list(name                  = multiplyTwoInts,
       udxtype               = c("scalar"),
       intype                = c("float","float"),
       outtype               = c("float"),
       strictness            = c("strict"),
       parametertypecallback = multiplyTwoIntsParameters)