Normalizing data

The purpose of normalization is, primarily, to scale numeric data from different columns down to an equivalent scale.

The purpose of normalization is, primarily, to scale numeric data from different columns down to an equivalent scale. For example, suppose you execute the LINEAR_REG function on a data set with two feature columns, current_salary and years_worked. The output value you are trying to predict is a worker's future salary. The values in the current_salary column are likely to have a far wider range, and much larger values, than the values in the years_worked column. Therefore, the values in the current_salary column can overshadow the values in the years_worked column, thus skewing your model.

Vertica offers the following data preparation methods which use normalization. These methods are:

  • MinMax
    Using the MinMax normalization method, you can normalize the values in both of these columns to be within a distribution of values between 0 and 1. Doing so allows you to compare values on very different scales to one another by reducing the dominance of one column over the other.

  • Z-score
    Using the Z-score normalization method, you can normalize the values in both of these columns to be the number of standard deviations an observation is from the mean of each column. This allows you to compare your data to a normally distributed random variable.

  • Robust Z-score
    Using the Robust Z-score normalization method, you can lessen the influence of outliers on Z-score calculations. Robust Z-score normalization uses the median value as opposed to the mean value used in Z-score. By using the median instead of the mean, it helps remove some of the influence of outliers in the data.

Normalizing data results in the creation of a view where the normalized data is saved. The output_view option in the NORMALIZE function determines name of the view .

Normalizing salary data using MinMax

The following example shows how you can normalize the salary_data table using the MinMax normalization method.

Before you begin the example, load the Machine Learning sample data.
=> SELECT NORMALIZE('normalized_salary_data', 'salary_data', 'current_salary, years_worked', 'minmax');
 Finished in 1 iteration

(1 row)

=> SELECT * FROM normalized_salary_data;
employee_id | first_name  | last_name  |     years_worked     |    current_salary
189         | Shawn       | Moore      | 0.350000000000000000 | 0.437246565765357217
518         | Earl        | Shaw       | 0.100000000000000000 | 0.978867411144492943
1126        | Susan       | Alexander  | 0.250000000000000000 | 0.909048995710749580
1157        | Jack        | Stone      | 0.100000000000000000 | 0.601863084103319918
1277        | Scott       | Wagner     | 0.050000000000000000 | 0.455949209228501786
3188        | Shirley     | Flores     | 0.400000000000000000 | 0.538816771536005140
3196        | Andrew      | Holmes     | 0.900000000000000000 | 0.183954046444834949
3430        | Philip      | Little     | 0.100000000000000000 | 0.735279557092379495
3522        | Jerry       | Ross       | 0.800000000000000000 | 0.671828883472214349
3892        | Barbara     | Flores     | 0.350000000000000000 | 0.092901007123556866

(1000 rows)

Normalizing salary data using z-score

The following example shows how you can normalize the salary_data table using the Z-score normalization method.

Before you begin the example, load the Machine Learning sample data.
=> SELECT NORMALIZE('normalized_z_salary_data', 'salary_data', 'current_salary, years_worked',
 Finished in 1 iteration

(1 row)

=> SELECT * FROM normalized_z_salary_data;
employee_id | first_name  | last_name  |    years_worked     |    current_salary
189         | Shawn       | Moore      |  -0.524447274157005 |   -0.221041249770669
518         | Earl        | Shaw       |   -1.35743214416495 |     1.66054215981221
1126        | Susan       | Alexander  |  -0.857641222160185 |     1.41799393943946
1157        | Jack        | Stone      |   -1.35743214416495 |    0.350834283622416
1277        | Scott       | Wagner     |   -1.52402911816654 |   -0.156068522159045
3188        | Shirley     | Flores     |  -0.357850300155415 |    0.131812255991634
3196        | Andrew      | Holmes     |    1.30811943986048 |    -1.10097599783475
3430        | Philip      | Little     |   -1.35743214416495 |    0.814321286168547
3522        | Jerry       | Ross       |   0.974925491857304 |    0.593894513770248
3892        | Barbara     | Flores     |  -0.524447274157005 |    -1.41729301118583

(1000 rows)

Normalizing salary data using robust z-score

The following example shows how you can normalize the salary_data table using the robust Z-score normalization method.

Before you begin the example, load the Machine Learning sample data.
=> SELECT NORMALIZE('normalized_robustz_salary_data', 'salary_data', 'current_salary, years_worked', 'robust_zscore');
 Finished in 1 iteration

(1 row)

=> SELECT * FROM normalized_robustz_salary_data;
employee_id | first_name  | last_name  |    years_worked    |    current_salary
189         | Shawn       | Moore      | -0.404694455685957 | -0.158933849655499140
518         | Earl        | Shaw       | -1.079185215162552 |  1.317126172796275889
1126        | Susan       | Alexander  | -0.674490759476595 |  1.126852528914384584
1157        | Jack        | Stone      | -1.079185215162552 |  0.289689691751547422
1277        | Scott       | Wagner     | -1.214083367057871 | -0.107964200747705902
3188        | Shirley     | Flores     | -0.269796303790638 |  0.117871818902746738
3196        | Andrew      | Holmes     |  1.079185215162552 | -0.849222942006447161
3430        | Philip      | Little     | -1.079185215162552 |  0.653284859470426481
3522        | Jerry       | Ross       |  0.809388911371914 |  0.480364995828913355
3892        | Barbara     | Flores     | -0.404694455685957 | -1.097366550974798397
3939        | Anna        | Walker     | -0.944287063267233 |  0.414956177842775781
4165        | Martha      | Reyes      |  0.269796303790638 |  0.773947701782753329
4335        | Phillip     | Wright     | -1.214083367057871 |  1.218843012657445647
4534        | Roger       | Harris     |  1.079185215162552 |  1.155185021164402608
4806        | John        | Robinson   |  0.809388911371914 | -0.494320112876813908
4881        | Kelly       | Welch      |  0.134898151895319 | -0.540778808820045933
4889        | Jennifer    | Arnold     |  1.214083367057871 | -0.299762093576526566
5067        | Martha      | Parker     |  0.000000000000000 |  0.719991348857328239
5523        | John        | Martin     | -0.269796303790638 | -0.411248545269163826
6004        | Nicole      | Sullivan   |  0.269796303790638 |  1.065141044522487821
6013        | Harry       | Woods      | -0.944287063267233 |  1.005664438654129376
6240        | Norma       | Martinez   |  1.214083367057871 |  0.762412844887071691

(1000 rows)

See also