Retrieving spatial data from a table as well-known text (WKT)

GEOMETRY and GEOGRAPHY data is stored in Vertica tables as LONG VARBINARY, which isn't human readable.

GEOMETRY and GEOGRAPHY data is stored in Vertica tables as LONG VARBINARY, which isn't human readable. You can use ST_AsText to return the spatial data as Well-Known Text (WKT).

To return spatial data as WKT:

=> SELECT id, ST_AsText(geom) AS WKT FROM spatial_data;
 id |               WKT
  1 | POINT (2 3)
  2 | LINESTRING (-1 2, 1 5)
  3 | POLYGON ((-1 2, 0 3, 1 2, -1 2))
(3 rows)