GET api

Lists all Management API commands, with a brief description of each one and its parameters.

Lists all Management API commands, with a brief description of each one and its parameters.

Resource URL





$ curl -k
      "route": "/",
      "method": "GET",
      "description": "Returns the agent specific information useful for version checking and service discovery",
      "accepts": {},
      "params": []
      "route": "/api",
      "method": "GET",
      "description": "build the list of cluster objects and properties and return it as a JSON formatted array",
      "accepts": {},
      "params": []
      "route": "/backups",
      "method": "GET",
      "description": "list all the backups that have been created for all vbr configuration files ( *.ini ) that are located in the /opt/vertica/config directory.",
      "accepts": {},
      "params": []
      "route": "/backups/:config_script_base",
      "method": "POST",
      "description": "create a new backup as defined by the given vbr configuration script base (filename minus the .ini extenstion)",
      "accepts": {},
      "params": []
      "route": "/backups/:config_script_base/:archive_id",
      "method": "GET",
      "description": "get the  detail for a specific backup archive",
      "accepts": {},
      "params": []
      "route": "/backups/:config_script_base/:archive_id",
      "method": "DELETE",
      "description": "delete a backup based on the config ini file script",
      "accepts": {},
      "params": []
      "route": "/databases",
      "method": "GET",
      "description": "build the list of databases, their properties, and current status (from cache) and return it as a JSON formatted array",
      "accepts": {},
      "params": []
      "route": "/databases",
      "method": "POST",
      "description": "Create a new database by supplying a valid set of parameters",
      "accepts": {},
      "params": [
         "name    : name of the database to create",
         "passwd  : password used by the database administrative user",
         "only    : optional list of hostnames to include in database",
         "exclude : optional list of hostnames to exclude from the database",
         "catalog : directory used for the vertica catalog",
         "data    : directory used for the initial vertica storage location",
         "port    : port the database will listen on (default 5433)",
         "restart_policy : (optional) set restart policy",
         "force_cleanup_on_failure : (optional) Force removal of existing directories on failure of command",
         "force_removal_at_creation : (optional)  Force removal of existing directories before creating the database",
         "communal_storage_url : (optional) communal storage location for the database",
         "num_shards : (optional) number of shared for databases with communal storage",
         "depot_path : (optional, but if specified requires depot_size) path to a directory where files from communal storage can be locally cached",
         "depot_size : (optional, required by depot_path) size of the depot. Examples: (\"10G\", \"2000M\", \"1T\", \"250K\")",
         "aws_access_key_id: (optional)",
         "aws_secret_access_key : (optional)",
         "configuration_parameters : (optional) A string that is a serialized python-literal dictionary of configuration parameters set at bootstrap.
      "route": "/databases/:database_name",
      "method": "GET",
      "description": "Retrieve the database properties structure",
      "accepts": {},
      "params": []
      "route": "/databases/:database_name",
      "method": "PUT",
      "description": "Control / alter a database values using the PUT http method",
      "accepts": {},
      "params": ["action : value one of start|stop|rebalance|wla"]
      "route": "/databases/:database_name",
      "method": "DELETE",
      "description": "Delete an existing database",
      "accepts": {},
      "params": []
      "route": "/databases/:database_name/configuration",
      "method": "GET",
      "description": "retrieve the current parameters from the database. if its running return 503 Service Unavailable",
      "accepts": {},
      "params": [
         "user_id  : vertica database username",
         "passwd   : vertica database password"]
      "route": "/databases/:database_name/configuration",
      "method": "PUT",
      "description": "set a list of  parameters in the database. if its not running return 503 Service Unavailable",
      "accepts": {},
      "params": [
         "user_id   : vertica database username",
         "passwd    : vertica database password",
         "parameter : value  vertica parameter/key combo"]
      "route": "/webhooks/subscribe",
      "method": "POST",
      "description": "post a request with a callback url to subscribe to events from this agent.  Returns a subscription_id that can be used to unsubscribe from the service.  @returns  subscription_id",
      "accepts": {},
      "params": ["url : full url to the callback resource"]