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General API information

These API calls can interact with either standard Vertica nodes or Management Console nodes.

These API calls can interact with either standard Vertica nodes or Management Console nodes.

GET / Returns the agent-specific information useful for version checking and service discovery.
GET api Returns a list of api objects and properties.

1 - GET /

Returns API version information and a list of links to child resources for the Management API.

Returns API version information and a list of links to child resources for the Management API.

Resource URL



Not required.



Example request

GET https://<NODE>:5444/


    "body": {
        "mime-types": [
        "version": "7.1.0"
    "href": "/",
    "links": [
    "mime-type": "application/vertica.agent.json-v2"

2 - GET api

Lists all Management API commands, with a brief description of each one and its parameters.

Lists all Management API commands, with a brief description of each one and its parameters.

Resource URL





$ curl -k
      "route": "/",
      "method": "GET",
      "description": "Returns the agent specific information useful for version checking and service discovery",
      "accepts": {},
      "params": []
      "route": "/api",
      "method": "GET",
      "description": "build the list of cluster objects and properties and return it as a JSON formatted array",
      "accepts": {},
      "params": []
      "route": "/backups",
      "method": "GET",
      "description": "list all the backups that have been created for all vbr configuration files ( *.ini ) that are located in the /opt/vertica/config directory.",
      "accepts": {},
      "params": []
      "route": "/backups/:config_script_base",
      "method": "POST",
      "description": "create a new backup as defined by the given vbr configuration script base (filename minus the .ini extenstion)",
      "accepts": {},
      "params": []
      "route": "/backups/:config_script_base/:archive_id",
      "method": "GET",
      "description": "get the  detail for a specific backup archive",
      "accepts": {},
      "params": []
      "route": "/backups/:config_script_base/:archive_id",
      "method": "DELETE",
      "description": "delete a backup based on the config ini file script",
      "accepts": {},
      "params": []
      "route": "/databases",
      "method": "GET",
      "description": "build the list of databases, their properties, and current status (from cache) and return it as a JSON formatted array",
      "accepts": {},
      "params": []
      "route": "/databases",
      "method": "POST",
      "description": "Create a new database by supplying a valid set of parameters",
      "accepts": {},
      "params": [
         "name    : name of the database to create",
         "passwd  : password used by the database administrative user",
         "only    : optional list of hostnames to include in database",
         "exclude : optional list of hostnames to exclude from the database",
         "catalog : directory used for the vertica catalog",
         "data    : directory used for the initial vertica storage location",
         "port    : port the database will listen on (default 5433)",
         "restart_policy : (optional) set restart policy",
         "force_cleanup_on_failure : (optional) Force removal of existing directories on failure of command",
         "force_removal_at_creation : (optional)  Force removal of existing directories before creating the database",
         "communal_storage_url : (optional) communal storage location for the database",
         "num_shards : (optional) number of shared for databases with communal storage",
         "depot_path : (optional, but if specified requires depot_size) path to a directory where files from communal storage can be locally cached",
         "depot_size : (optional, required by depot_path) size of the depot. Examples: (\"10G\", \"2000M\", \"1T\", \"250K\")",
         "aws_access_key_id: (optional)",
         "aws_secret_access_key : (optional)",
         "configuration_parameters : (optional) A string that is a serialized python-literal dictionary of configuration parameters set at bootstrap.
      "route": "/databases/:database_name",
      "method": "GET",
      "description": "Retrieve the database properties structure",
      "accepts": {},
      "params": []
      "route": "/databases/:database_name",
      "method": "PUT",
      "description": "Control / alter a database values using the PUT http method",
      "accepts": {},
      "params": ["action : value one of start|stop|rebalance|wla"]
      "route": "/databases/:database_name",
      "method": "DELETE",
      "description": "Delete an existing database",
      "accepts": {},
      "params": []
      "route": "/databases/:database_name/configuration",
      "method": "GET",
      "description": "retrieve the current parameters from the database. if its running return 503 Service Unavailable",
      "accepts": {},
      "params": [
         "user_id  : vertica database username",
         "passwd   : vertica database password"]
      "route": "/databases/:database_name/configuration",
      "method": "PUT",
      "description": "set a list of  parameters in the database. if its not running return 503 Service Unavailable",
      "accepts": {},
      "params": [
         "user_id   : vertica database username",
         "passwd    : vertica database password",
         "parameter : value  vertica parameter/key combo"]
      "route": "/webhooks/subscribe",
      "method": "POST",
      "description": "post a request with a callback url to subscribe to events from this agent.  Returns a subscription_id that can be used to unsubscribe from the service.  @returns  subscription_id",
      "accepts": {},
      "params": ["url : full url to the callback resource"]