Batch loading data using Perl

To load large batches of data into Vertica using Perl:.

To load large batches of data into Vertica using Perl:

  1. Set DBI's AutoCommit connection attribute to false to improve the batch load speed. See Setting Perl DBI connection attributes for an example of disabling AutoCommit.

  2. Call the database handle's prepare function to prepare a SQL INSERT statement that contains placeholders for the data values you want to insert. For example:

    # Prepare an INSERT statement for the test table
    $sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT into test values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");

    The prepare function returns a statement handle that you will use to insert the data.

  3. Assign data to the placeholders. There are several ways to do this. The easiest is to populate an array with a value for each placeholder in your INSERT statement.

  4. Call the statement handle's execute function to insert a row of data into Vertica. The return value of this function call lets you know whether Vertica accepted or rejected the row.

  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until you have loaded all of the data you need to load.

  6. Call the database handle's commit function to commit the data you inserted.

The following example demonstrates inserting a small batch of data by populating an array of arrays with data, then looping through it and inserting each row.

use strict;
use DBI;
# Create a hash reference that holds a hash of parameters for the
# connection.
 my $attr = {AutoCommit => 0, # Turn off autocommit
             PrintError => 0   # Turn off automatic error printing.
                               # This is handled manually.
# Open a connection using a DSN. Supply the username and password.
my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:ODBC:VerticaDSN","ExampleUser","password123",
if (defined DBI::err) {
    # Conection failed.
    die "Failed to connect: $DBI::errstr";
print "Connection AutoCommit state is: " . $dbh->{AutoCommit} . "\n";
# Create table to hold inserted data
$dbh->do("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS TEST CASCADE;") or die "Could not drop table";
$dbh->do("CREATE TABLE TEST( \
               C_ID  INT, \
               C_FP  FLOAT,\
               C_VARCHAR VARCHAR(100),\
               C_DATE DATE, C_TIME TIME,\
               C_TS TIMESTAMP,\
               C_BOOL BOOL)") or die "Could not create table";
# Populate an array of arrays with values. One of these rows contains
# data that will not be sucessfully inserted. Another contains an
# undef value, which gets inserted into the database as a NULL.
my @data = (
                [1,1.111,'Hello World!','2001-01-01','01:01:01'
                    ,'2001-01-01 01:01:01','t'],
                [2,2.22222,'How are you?','2002-02-02','02:02:02'
                    ,'2002-02-02 02:02:02','f'],
                ['bad value',2.22222,'How are you?','2002-02-02','02:02:02'
                    ,'2002-02-02 02:02:02','f'],
                    ,'2002-02-02 02:02:02','f'],
# Create a prepared statement to use parameters for inserting values.
my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached("INSERT into test values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");
my $rowcount = 0; # Count # of rows
# Loop through the arrays to insert values
foreach my $tuple (@data) {
    # Insert the row
    my $retval = $sth->execute(@$tuple);

    # See if the row was successfully inserted.
    if ($retval == 1) {
        # Value of 1 means the row was inserted (1 row was affected by insert)
        print "Row $rowcount successfully inserted\n";
    } else {
        print "Inserting row $rowcount failed";
        # Error message is not set on some platforms/versions of DBUI. Check to
        # ensure a message exists to avoid getting an unitialized var warning.
        if ($sth->err()) {
                print ": " . $sth->errstr();
        print "\n";
# Commit changes. With AutoCommit off, you need to use commit for batched
# data to actually be committed into the database. If your Perl script exits
# without committing its data, Vertica rolls back the transaction and the
# data is not committed.

The previous example displays the following when successfully run:

Connection AutoCommit state is: 0
Row 1 successfully inserted
Row 2 successfully inserted
Inserting row 3 failed with error 01000 [Vertica][VerticaDSII] (20) An
error occurred during query execution: Row rejected by server; see
server log for details (SQL-01000)
Row 4 successfully inserted

Note that one of the rows was not inserted because it contained a string value that could not be stored in an integer column. See Conversions between Perl and Vertica Data Types for details of data type handling in Perl scripts that communicate with Vertica.