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Perl scripts can interact with Vertica using the Perl DBI module along with the DBD::ODBC database driver to interface to the Vertica ODBC driver.

Perl scripts can interact with Vertica using the Perl DBI module along with the DBD::ODBC database driver to interface to the Vertica ODBC driver.


You must configure a Perl development environment before creating Perl client applications.

1 - Configuring a Perl development environment

Perl has a Database Interface module (DBI) that creates a standard interface for Perl scripts to interact with databases.

Perl has a Database Interface module (DBI) that creates a standard interface for Perl scripts to interact with databases. The interface module relies on Database Driver modules (DBDs) to handle all of the database-specific communication tasks. The result is an interface that provides a consistent way for Perl scripts to interact with many different types of databases.

Perl scripts can interact with Vertica using the Perl DBI module along with the DBD::ODBC database driver to interface to the Vertica ODBC driver. See the CPAN pages for Perl's DBI and DBD::ODBC modules for detailed documentation.

Vertica-Perl architecture

A Perl development environment depends on the Vertica ODBC driver and the DBI and DBD::ODBC modules.

  1. Install and configure ODBC.

  2. Verify that Perl is installed with the following command. If this command does not return version information, you must install Perl. For version support, see Perl driver requirements.

    $ perl -v
  3. Install compatible versions of the Perl modules DBI and DBD::ODBC. Installation methods vary between environments. For details on installing Perl modules, see the cpan documentation.

  4. Run the following commands to verify that DBI and DBD::ODBC are installed. If installed, these commands should return nothing. Otherwise, they return an error:

    $ perl -e "use DBI;"
    $ perl -e "use DBD::ODBC;"

Listing DSNs and verifying the installation

Another way to verify your installation is with the following Perl script. This script verifies if DBI and DBD::ODBC are installed and prints your ODBC DSN, if any:

use strict;
# Attempt to load the DBI module in an eval using require. Prevents
# script from erroring out if DBI is not installed.
    require DBI;
if ($@) {
    # The eval failed, so DBI must not be installed
    print "DBI module is not installed\n";
} else {
    # Eval was successful, so DBI is installed
    print "DBI Module is installed\n";
    # List the drivers that DBI knows about.
    my @drivers = DBI->available_drivers;
    print "Available Drivers: \n";
    foreach my $driver (@drivers) {
        print "\t$driver\n";
    # See if DBD::ODBC is installed by searching driver array.
    if (grep {/ODBC/i} @drivers) {
        print "\nDBD::ODBC is installed.\n";
        # List the ODBC data sources (DSNs) defined on the system
        print "Defined ODBC Data Sources:\n";
        my @dsns = DBI->data_sources('ODBC');
        foreach my $dsn (@dsns) {
            print "\t$dsn\n";
    } else {
        print "DBD::ODBC is not installed\n";

If your system is properly configured, the output should resemble the following:

DBI Module is installed
Available Drivers:
DBD::ODBC is installed.
Defined ODBC Data Sources:
        dbi:ODBC:dBASE Files
        dbi:ODBC:Excel Files
        dbi:ODBC:MS Access Database

2 - Connecting to Vertica using Perl

You use the Perl DBI module's connect function to connect to Vertica.

You use the Perl DBI module's connect function to connect to Vertica. This function takes a required data source string argument and optional arguments for the username, password, and connection attributes.

The data source string must start with "dbi:ODBC:", which tells the DBI module to use the DBD::ODBC driver to connect to Vertica. The remainder of the string is interpreted by the DBD::ODBC driver. It usually contains the name of a DSN that contains the connection information needed to connect to your Vertica database. For example, to tell the DBD::ODBC driver to use the DSN named VerticaDSN, you use the data source string:


The username and password parameters are optional. However, if you do not supply them (or just the username for a passwordless account) and they are not set in the DSN, attempting to connect always fails.

The connect function returns a database handle if it connects to Vertica. If it does not, it returns undef. In that case, you can access the DBI module's error string property ($DBI::errstr) to get the error message.

The following example connects to Vertica with a DSN named VerticaDSN. The call to connect supplies a username and password. After connecting, it calls the database handle's disconnect function, which closes the connection:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use DBI;
# Open a connection using a DSN. Supply the username and password.
my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:ODBC:VerticaDSN","ExampleUser","password123");
unless (defined $dbh) {
    # Conection failed.
    die "Failed to connect: $DBI::errstr";
print "Connected!\n";

2.1 - Setting ODBC connection parameters in Perl

To set ODBC connection parameters, replace the DSN name with a semicolon delimited list of parameter name and value pairs in the source data string.

To set ODBC connection parameters, replace the DSN name with a semicolon delimited list of parameter name and value pairs in the source data string. Use the DSN parameter to tell DBD::ODBC which DSN to use, then add in other the other ODBC parameters you want to set. For example, the following code connects using a DSN named VerticaDSN and sets the connection's locale to en_GB.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use DBI;
# Instead of just using the DSN name, use name and value pairs.
my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:ODBC:DSN=VerticaDSN;Locale=en_GB@collation=binary","ExampleUser","password123");
unless (defined $dbh) {
    # Conection failed.
    die "Failed to connect: $DBI::errstr";
print "Connected!\n";

See ODBC DSN connection properties for a list of the connection parameters you can set in the source data string.

2.2 - Setting Perl DBI connection attributes

The Perl DBI module has attributes that you can use to control the behavior of its database connection.

The Perl DBI module has attributes that you can use to control the behavior of its database connection. These attributes are similar to the ODBC connection parameters (in several cases, they duplicate each other's functionality). The DBI connection attributes are a cross-platform way of controlling the behavior of the database connection.

You can set the DBI connection attributes when establishing a connection by passing the DBI connect function a hash containing attribute and value pairs. For example, to set the DBI connection attribute AutoCommit to false, you would use:

# Create a hash that holds attributes for the connection
my $attr = {AutoCommit => 0};
# Open a connection using a DSN. Supply the username and password.
my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:ODBC:VerticaDSN","ExampleUser","password123",

See the DBI documentation's Database Handle Attributes section for a full description of the attributes you can set on the database connection.

After your script has connected, it can access and modify the connection attributes through the database handle by using it as a hash reference. For example:

print "The AutoCommit attribute is: " . $dbh->{AutoCommit} . "\n";

The following example demonstrates setting two connection attributes:

  • RaiseError controls whether the DBI driver generates a Perl error if it encounters a database error. Usually, you set this to true (1) if you want your Perl script to exit if there is a database error.

  • AutoCommit controls whether statements automatically commit their transactions when they complete. DBI defaults to Vertica's default AutoCommit value of true. Always set AutoCommit to false (0) when bulk loading data to increase database efficiency.

use strict;
use DBI;
# Create a hash that holds attributes for the connection
 my $attr = {
                RaiseError => 1, # Make database errors fatal to script
                AutoCommit => 0, # Prevent statements from committing
                                 # their transactions.
# Open a connection using a DSN. Supply the username and password.
my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:ODBC:VerticaDSN","ExampleUser","password123",

if (defined $dbh->err) {
    # Connection failed.
    die "Failed to connect: $DBI::errstr";
print "Connected!\n";
# The database handle lets you access the connection attributes directly:
print "The AutoCommit attribute is: " . $dbh->{AutoCommit} . "\n";
print "The RaiseError attribute is: " . $dbh->{RaiseError} . "\n";
# And you can change values, too...
$dbh->{AutoCommit} = 1;
print "The AutoCommit attribute is now: " . $dbh->{AutoCommit} . "\n";

The example outputs the following when run:

Connected!The AutoCommit attribute is: 0
The RaiseError attribute is: 1
The AutoCommit attribute is now: 1

2.3 - Connecting from Perl without a DSN

If you do not want to set up a Data Source Name (DSN) for your database, you can supply all of the information Perl's DBD::ODBC driver requires to connect to your Vertica database in the data source string.

If you do not want to set up a Data Source Name (DSN) for your database, you can supply all of the information Perl's DBD::ODBC driver requires to connect to your Vertica database in the data source string. This source string must the DRIVER= parameter that tells DBD::ODBC which driver library to use in order to connect. The value for this parameter is the name assigned to the driver by the client system's driver manager:

  • On Windows, the name assigned to the Vertica ODBC driver by the driver manager is Vertica.

  • On Linux and other UNIX-like operating systems, the Vertica ODBC driver's name is assigned in the system's odbcinst.ini file. For example, if your /etc/odbcint.ini contains the following:

    Description = Vertica ODBC Driver
    Driver = /opt/vertica/lib64/

    you would use the name Vertica. See Creating an ODBC DSN for Linux for more information about the odbcinst.ini file.

You can take advantage of Perl's variable expansion within strings to use variables for most of the connection properties as the following example demonstrates.

use strict;
use DBI;
my $server='VerticaHost';
my $port = '5433';
my $database = 'VMart';
my $user = 'ExampleUser';
my $password = 'password123';
# Connect without a DSN by supplying all of the information for the connection.
# The DRIVER value on UNIX platforms depends on the entry in the odbcinst.ini
# file.
my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:ODBC:DRIVER={Vertica};Server=$server;" .
        or die "Could not connect to database: " . DBI::errstr;
print "Connected!\n";

3 - Executing statements using Perl

Once your Perl script has connected to Vertica (see Connecting to Using Perl), it can execute simple statements that return a value rather than a result set by using the Perl DBI module's do function.

Once your Perl script has connected to Vertica (see Connecting to Vertica Using Perl), it can execute simple statements that return a value rather than a result set by using the Perl DBI module's do function. You usually use this function to execute DDL statements or data loading statements such as COPY (see Using COPY LOCAL to load data in Perl).

use strict;
use DBI;
# Disable autocommit
 my $attr = {AutoCommit => 0};
# Open a connection using a DSN.
my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:ODBC:VerticaDSN","ExampleUser","password123",
unless (defined $dbh) {
    # Conection failed.
    die "Failed to connect: $DBI::errstr";
# You can use the do function to perform DDL commands.
# Drop any existing table.
# Create a table to hold data.
$dbh->do("CREATE TABLE TEST( \
               C_ID  INT, \
               C_FP  FLOAT,\
               C_VARCHAR VARCHAR(100),\
               C_DATE DATE, C_TIME TIME,\
               C_TS TIMESTAMP,\
               C_BOOL BOOL)");
# Commit changes and exit.

4 - Batch loading data using Perl

To load large batches of data into Vertica using Perl:.

To load large batches of data into Vertica using Perl:

  1. Set DBI's AutoCommit connection attribute to false to improve the batch load speed. See Setting Perl DBI connection attributes for an example of disabling AutoCommit.

  2. Call the database handle's prepare function to prepare a SQL INSERT statement that contains placeholders for the data values you want to insert. For example:

    # Prepare an INSERT statement for the test table
    $sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT into test values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");

    The prepare function returns a statement handle that you will use to insert the data.

  3. Assign data to the placeholders. There are several ways to do this. The easiest is to populate an array with a value for each placeholder in your INSERT statement.

  4. Call the statement handle's execute function to insert a row of data into Vertica. The return value of this function call lets you know whether Vertica accepted or rejected the row.

  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until you have loaded all of the data you need to load.

  6. Call the database handle's commit function to commit the data you inserted.

The following example demonstrates inserting a small batch of data by populating an array of arrays with data, then looping through it and inserting each row.

use strict;
use DBI;
# Create a hash reference that holds a hash of parameters for the
# connection.
 my $attr = {AutoCommit => 0, # Turn off autocommit
             PrintError => 0   # Turn off automatic error printing.
                               # This is handled manually.
# Open a connection using a DSN. Supply the username and password.
my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:ODBC:VerticaDSN","ExampleUser","password123",
if (defined DBI::err) {
    # Conection failed.
    die "Failed to connect: $DBI::errstr";
print "Connection AutoCommit state is: " . $dbh->{AutoCommit} . "\n";
# Create table to hold inserted data
$dbh->do("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS TEST CASCADE;") or die "Could not drop table";
$dbh->do("CREATE TABLE TEST( \
               C_ID  INT, \
               C_FP  FLOAT,\
               C_VARCHAR VARCHAR(100),\
               C_DATE DATE, C_TIME TIME,\
               C_TS TIMESTAMP,\
               C_BOOL BOOL)") or die "Could not create table";
# Populate an array of arrays with values. One of these rows contains
# data that will not be sucessfully inserted. Another contains an
# undef value, which gets inserted into the database as a NULL.
my @data = (
                [1,1.111,'Hello World!','2001-01-01','01:01:01'
                    ,'2001-01-01 01:01:01','t'],
                [2,2.22222,'How are you?','2002-02-02','02:02:02'
                    ,'2002-02-02 02:02:02','f'],
                ['bad value',2.22222,'How are you?','2002-02-02','02:02:02'
                    ,'2002-02-02 02:02:02','f'],
                    ,'2002-02-02 02:02:02','f'],
# Create a prepared statement to use parameters for inserting values.
my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached("INSERT into test values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");
my $rowcount = 0; # Count # of rows
# Loop through the arrays to insert values
foreach my $tuple (@data) {
    # Insert the row
    my $retval = $sth->execute(@$tuple);

    # See if the row was successfully inserted.
    if ($retval == 1) {
        # Value of 1 means the row was inserted (1 row was affected by insert)
        print "Row $rowcount successfully inserted\n";
    } else {
        print "Inserting row $rowcount failed";
        # Error message is not set on some platforms/versions of DBUI. Check to
        # ensure a message exists to avoid getting an unitialized var warning.
        if ($sth->err()) {
                print ": " . $sth->errstr();
        print "\n";
# Commit changes. With AutoCommit off, you need to use commit for batched
# data to actually be committed into the database. If your Perl script exits
# without committing its data, Vertica rolls back the transaction and the
# data is not committed.

The previous example displays the following when successfully run:

Connection AutoCommit state is: 0
Row 1 successfully inserted
Row 2 successfully inserted
Inserting row 3 failed with error 01000 [Vertica][VerticaDSII] (20) An
error occurred during query execution: Row rejected by server; see
server log for details (SQL-01000)
Row 4 successfully inserted

Note that one of the rows was not inserted because it contained a string value that could not be stored in an integer column. See Conversions between Perl and Vertica Data Types for details of data type handling in Perl scripts that communicate with Vertica.

5 - Using COPY LOCAL to load data in Perl

You can use COPY LOCAL to load delimited files on your client system—for example, a file with comma-separated values—into Vertica.

You can use COPY LOCAL to load delimited files on your client system—for example, a file with comma-separated values—into Vertica. Rather than use Perl to read, parse, and then batch insert the file data, COPY LOCAL directly loads the file data from the local file system into Vertica. When execution completes, COPY LOCAL returns the number of rows that it successfully inserted.

The following example uses COPY LOCAL to load into Vertica local file data.txt, which is located in the same directory as the Perl file.

use strict;
use DBI;
# Filesystem path handling module
use File::Spec;
# Create a hash reference that holds a hash of parameters for the
# connection.
 my $attr = {AutoCommit => 0}; # Turn off AutoCommit
# Open a connection using a DSN. Supply the username and password.
my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:ODBC:VerticaDSN","ExampleUser","password123",
    $attr) or die "Failed to connect: $DBI::errstr";
print "Connected!\n";
# Drop any existing table.
$dbh->do("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Customers CASCADE;");
# Create a table to hold data.
$dbh->do("CREATE TABLE Customers( \
               ID  INT, \
               FirstName  VARCHAR(100),\
               LastName   VARCHAR(100),\
               Email      VARCHAR(100),\
               Birthday   DATE)");
# Find the absolute path to the data file located in the current working
# directory and named data.txt
my $currDir = File::Spec->rel2abs(File::Spec->curdir());
my $dataFile = File::Spec->catfile($currDir, 'data.txt');
print "Loading file $dataFile\n";
# Load local file using copy local. Return value is the # of rows affected
# which equates to the number of rows inserted.
my $rows = $dbh->do("COPY Customers FROM LOCAL '$dataFile' DIRECT")
     or die $dbh->errstr;
print "Copied $rows rows into database.\n";
# Prepare a query to get the first 15 rows of the results
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE ID < 15 \
                                 ORDER BY ID");

$sth->execute() or die "Error querying table: " . $dbh->errstr;
my @row; # Pre-declare variable to hold result row used in format statement.
# Use Perl formats to pretty print the output. Declare the heading for the
# form.
format STDOUT_TOP =
ID  First           Last          EMail                         Birthday
==  =====           ====          =====                         ========
# The Perl write statement will output a formatted line with values from the
# @row array. See for details.
format STDOUT =
@>  @<<<<<<<<<<<<<  @<<<<<<<<<<<  @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<  @<<<<<<<<<
# Loop through result rows while we have them
while (@row = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
         write; # Format command does the work of extracting the columns from
                # the @row array and writing them out to STDOUT.
# Call commit to prevent Perl from complaining about uncommitted transactions
# when disconnecting

data.txt is a text file with a row of data on each line. The columns are delimited by pipe (|) characters. This is the default COPY delimiter for command accepts, which simplifies the COPY LOCAL statement.

Here is an example of the file content:


The example code produces the following output when run on a large sample file:

Loading file /home/dbadmin/Perl/data.txt
Copied 1000000 rows into database.
ID  First           Last          EMail                         Birthday
==  =====           ====          =====                         ========
 1  Georgia         Gomez             1937-10-03
 2  Abdul           Alexander            1941-03-10
 3  Nigel           Contreras                 1955-06-01
 4  Gray            Holt             1945-12-06
 5  Candace         Bullock               1932-05-27
 6  Matthew         Dotson                1956-09-30
 7  Haviva          Hopper          1975-05-10
 8  Stewart         Sweeney              2003-06-20
 9  Allen           Rogers            2006-06-17
10  Trevor          Dillon                  1988-11-27
11  Leroy           Ashley             1958-07-25
12  Elmo            Malone                1978-08-29
13  Laurel          Ball            1989-09-20
14  Zeus            Phillips           1996-08-08

6 - Querying using Perl

To query Vertica using Perl:.

To query Vertica using Perl:

  1. Prepare a query statement using the Perl DBI module's prepare function. This function returns a statement handle that you use to execute the query and get the result set.

  2. Execute the prepared statement by calling the execute function on the statement handle.

  3. Retrieve the results of the query from the statement handle using one of several methods, such as calling the statement handle's fetchrow_array function to retrieve a row of data, or fetchall_array to get an array of arrays containing the entire result set (not a good idea if your result set may be very large!).

The following example demonstrates querying the table created by the example shown in Batch loading data using Perl. It executes a query to retrieve all of the content of the table, then repeatedly calls the statement handle's fetchrow_array function to get rows of data in an array. It repeats this process until fetchrow_array returns undef, which means that there are no more rows to be read.

use strict;
use DBI;
my $attr = {RaiseError => 1 }; # Make errors fatal to the Perl script.
# Open a connection using a DSN. Supply the username and password.
my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:ODBC:VerticaDSN","ExampleUser","password123",
# Prepare a query to get the content of the table
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM TEST ORDER BY C_ID ASC");
# Execute the query by calling execute on the statement handle
# Loop through result rows while we have them, getting each row as an array
while (my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
    # The @row array contains the column values for this row of data
    # Loop through the column values
    foreach my $column (@row) {
        if (!defined $column) {
            # NULLs are signaled by undefs. Set to NULL for clarity
            $column = "NULL";
        print "$column\t"; # Output the column separated by a tab
    print "\n";

The example prints the following when run:

1    1.111    Hello World!    2001-01-01    01:01:01    2001-01-01 01:01:01    1
2    2.22222    How are you?    2002-02-02    02:02:02    2002-02-02 02:02:02    0
4    4.22222    NULL    2002-02-02    02:02:02    2002-02-02 02:02:02    0

Binding variables to column values

Another method of retrieving the query results is to bind variables to columns in the result set using the statement handle's bind_columns function. You may find this method convenient if you need to perform extensive processing on the returned data, since your code can use variables rather than array references to access the data. The following example demonstrates binding variables to the result set, rather than looping through the row and column values.

use strict;
use DBI;
my $attr = {RaiseError => 1 }; # Make SQL errors fatal to the Perl script.
# Open a connection using a DSN. Supply the username and password.
my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:ODBC:VerticaDSN32","ExampleUser","password123",
# Prepare a query to get the content of the table
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM TEST ORDER BY C_ID ASC");
# Create a set of variables to bind to the column values.
my ($C_ID, $C_FP, $C_VARCHAR, $C_DATE, $C_TIME, $C_TS, $C_BOOL);
# Bind the variable references to the columns in the result set.
$sth->bind_columns(\$C_ID, \$C_FP, \$C_VARCHAR, \$C_DATE, \$C_TIME,
                    \$C_TS, \$C_BOOL);

# Now, calling fetch() to get a row of data updates the values of the bound
# variables. Continue calling fetch until it returns undefined.
while ($sth->fetch()) {
    # Note, you should always check that values are defined before using them,
    # since NULL values are translated into Perl as undefined. For this
    # example, just check the VARCHAR column for undefined values.
    if (!defined $C_VARCHAR) {
        $C_VARCHAR = "NULL";
    # Just print values separated by tabs.
    print "$C_ID\t$C_FP\t$C_VARCHAR\t$C_DATE\t$C_TIME\t$C_TS\t$C_BOOL\n";

The output of this example is identical to the output of the previous example.

Preparing, querying, and returning a single row

If you expect a single row as the result of a query (for example, when you execute a COUNT (*) query), you can use the DBI module's selectrow_array function to combine executing a statement and retrieving an array as a result.

The following example shows using selectrow_array to execute and get the results of the SHOW LOCALE statement. It also demonstrates changing the locale using the do function.

use strict;
use DBI;
my $attr = {RaiseError => 1 }; # Make SQL errors fatal to the Perl script.
# Open a connection using a DSN. Supply the username and password.
my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:ODBC:VerticaDSN","ExampleUser","password123",
# Demonstrate setting/getting locale.
# Use selectrow_array to combine preparing a statement, executing it, and
# getting an array as a result.
my @localerv = $dbh->selectrow_array("SHOW LOCALE;");
# The locale name is the 2nd column (array index 1) in the result set.
print "Locale: $localerv[1]\n";
# Use do() to execute a SQL statement to set the locale.
$dbh->do("SET LOCALE TO en_GB");
# Get the locale again.
@localerv = $dbh->selectrow_array("SHOW LOCALE;");
print "Locale is now: $localerv[1]\n";

The result of running the example is:

Locale: en_US@collation=binary (LEN_KBINARY)
Locale is now: en_GB (LEN)

Executing queries and ResultBufferSize settings

When you call the execute() function on a prepared statement, the client library retrieves results up to the size of the result buffer. The result buffer size is set using ODBC's ResultBufferSize setting.

Vertica does not allow multiple active queries per connection. However, you can simulate multiple active queries by setting the result buffer to be large enough to accommodate the entire results from the first query. To ensure that the ODBC client driver's buffer is large enough to store result set for first query you can set ResultBufferSize to 0. Setting this parameter to 0 makes the result buffer size unlimited. The ODBC driver allocates enough memory to read the entire result set. With the entire result set from the first query stored in the result set buffer, the database connection is free to perform another query. Your client can execute this second query even though it has not processed the entire result set from the first query.

However, if you set the ResultBufferSize to 0, you may find that your calls to execute() result in the operating system killing your Perl client script. The operating system may terminate your script if the ODBC driver allocates too much memory to store a large result set.

A workaround for this behavior is limit the number of rows returned by your query. Then you can set the ResultBufferSize to a value that accommodates this limited result set. For example, you can estimate the amount of memory needed to store a single row of your query result. Then use the LIMIT and OFFSET clauses to get a specific number of rows that will fit into the space you allocated using ResultBufferSize. If the results of your query is able to fit within the limited result set buffer, you can then perform additional queries with the same database connection. This solution makes your code more complex as you will need to perform multiple queries to get the entire result set. Also, it is not appropriate in cases where you need to operate on an entire result set at once, rather than just a portion of it at a time.

A better solution is to use separate database connections for each query you want to perform. The overhead of the additional database connection is small compared to the resources needed to process large data sets.

7 - Conversions between Perl and Vertica data types

Perl is a loosely-typed programming language that does not assign specific data types to values.

Perl is a loosely-typed programming language that does not assign specific data types to values. It converts between string and numeric values based on the operations being performed on the values. For this reason, Perl has little problem extracting most string and numeric data types from Vertica. All interval data types (DATE, TIMESTAMP, etc.) are converted to strings. You can use several different date and time handling Perl modules to manipulate these values in your scripts.

Vertica NULL values translate to Perl's undefined (undef) value. When reading data from columns that can contain NULL values, you should always test whether a value is defined before using it.

When inserting data into Vertica, Perl's DBI module attempts to coerce the data into the correct format. By default, it assumes column values are VARCHAR unless it can determine that they are some other data type. If given a string value to insert into a column that has an integer or numeric data type, DBI attempts to convert the string's contents to the correct data type. If the entire string can be converted to a value of the appropriate data type, it inserts the value into the column. If not, inserting the row of data fails.

DBI transparently converts integer values into numeric or float values when inserting into column of FLOAT, NUMERIC, or similar data types. It converts numeric or floating values to integers only when there would be no loss of precision (the value to the right of the decimal point is 0). For example, it can insert the value 3.0 into an INTEGER column since there is no loss of precision when converting the value to an integer. It cannot insert 3.1 into an INTEGER column, since that would result in a loss of precision. It returns an error instead of truncating the value to 3.

The following example demonstrates some of the conversions that the DBI module performs when inserting data into Vertica.

use strict;
use DBI;
# Create a hash reference that holds a hash of parameters for the
# connection.
 my $attr = {AutoCommit => 0, # Turn off autocommit
             PrintError => 0   # Turn off print error. Manually handled
# Open a connection using a DSN. Supply the username and password.
my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:ODBC:VerticaDSN","ExampleUser","password123",
if (defined DBI::err) {
    # Conection failed.
    die "Failed to connect: $DBI::errstr";
print "Connection AutoCommit state is: " . $dbh->{AutoCommit} . "\n";
# Create table to hold inserted data
$dbh->do("CREATE TABLE TEST( \
               C_ID  INT, \
               C_FP  FLOAT,\
               C_VARCHAR VARCHAR(100),\
               C_DATE DATE, C_TIME TIME,\
               C_TS TIMESTAMP,\
               C_BOOL BOOL)");
# Populate an array of arrays with values.
my @data = (
                # Start with matching data types
                [1,1.111,'Matching datatypes','2001-01-01','01:01:01'
                    ,'2001-01-01 01:01:01','t'],
                # Force floats -> int and int -> float.
                [2.0,2,"Ints <-> floats",'2002-02-02','02:02:02'
                    ,'2002-02-02 02:02:02',1],
                # Float -> int *only* works when there is no loss of precision.
                # this row will fail to insert:
                [3.1,3,"float -> int with trunc?",'2003-03-03','03:03:03'
                    ,'2003-03-03 03:03:03',1],
                # String values are converted into numbers
                ["4","4.4","Strings -> numbers", '2004-04-04','04:04:04',
                    ,'2004-04-04 04:04:04',0],
                # String -> numbers only works if the entire string can be
                # converted into a number
                ["5 and a half","5.5","Strings -> numbers", '2005-05-05',
                    '05:05:05', ,'2005-05-05 05:05:05',0],
                # Number are converted into string values automatically,
                # assuming they fit into the column width.
                [6,6.6,3.14159, '2006-06-06','06:06:06',
                    ,'2006-06-06 06:06:06',0],
                # There are some variations in the accepted date strings
                [7,7.7,'Date/time formats', '07/07/2007','07:07:07',
                    ,'07-07-2007 07:07:07',1],
# Create a prepared statement to use parameters for inserting values.
my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached("INSERT into test values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");
my $rowcount = 0; # Count # of rows
# Loop through the arrays to insert values
foreach my $tuple (@data) {
    # Insert the row
    my $retval = $sth->execute(@$tuple);

    # See if the row was successfully inserted.
    if ($retval == 1) {
        # Value of 1 means the row was inserted (1 row was affected by insert)
        print "Row $rowcount successfully inserted\n";
    } else {
        print "Inserting row $rowcount failed with error " .
                $sth->state . " " . $sth->errstr . "\n";
# Commit the data
# Prepare a query to get the content of the table
$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM TEST ORDER BY C_ID ASC");
$sth->execute() or die "Error: " . $dbh->errstr;
my @row; # Need to pre-declare to use in the format statement.
# Use Perl formats to pretty print the output.
format STDOUT_TOP =
Int  Float          VarChar        Date      Time      Timestamp     Bool
===  =====  ==================  ========== ======== ================ ====
format STDOUT =
@>>  @<<<<  @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<  @<<<<<<<<< @<<<<<<< @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< @<<<<
# Loop through result rows while we have them
while (@row = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
         write; # Format command does the work of extracting the columns from
                 # the array.
# Commit to stop Perl complaining about in-progress transactions.

The example produces the following output when run:

Connection AutoCommit state is: 0
Row 1 successfully inserted
Row 2 successfully inserted
Inserting row 3 failed with error 01000 [Vertica][VerticaDSII] (20) An error
occurred during query execution: Row rejected by server; see server log for
details (SQL-01000)
Row 4 successfully inserted
Inserting row 5 failed with error 01000 [Vertica][VerticaDSII] (20) An error
occurred during query execution: Row rejected by server; see server log for
details (SQL-01000)
Row 6 successfully inserted
Row 7 successfully inserted
Int  Float          VarChar        Date      Time      Timestamp     Bool
===  =====  ==================  ========== ======== ================ ====
  1  1.111  Matching datatypes  2001-01-01 01:01:01 2001-01-01 01:01 1
  2  2      Ints <-> floats     2002-02-02 02:02:02 2002-02-02 02:02 1
  4  4.4    Strings -> numbers  2004-04-04 04:04:04 2004-04-04 04:04 0
  6  6.6    3.14159             2006-06-06 06:06:06 2006-06-06 06:06 0
  7  7.7    Date/time formats   2007-07-07 07:07:07 2007-07-07 07:07 1

8 - Perl unicode support

Perl supports Unicode data with some caveats.

Perl supports Unicode data with some caveats. See the perlunicode and the perlunitut (Perl Unicode tutorial) manual pages for details. (Be sure to see the copies of these manual pages included with the version of Perl installed on your client system, as the support for Unicode has changed in recent versions of Perl.) Perl DBI and DBD::ODBC also support Unicode, however DBD::ODBC must be compiled with Unicode support. See the DBD::ODBC documentation for details. You can check the DBD::ODBC-specific connection attribute named odbc_has_unicode to see if Unicode support is enabled in the driver.

The following example Perl script demonstrates directly inserting UTF-8 strings into Vertica and then reading them back. The example writes a text file with the output, since there are may problems displaying Unicode characters in terminal windows or consoles.

use strict;
use DBI;
# Open a connection using a DSN.
my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:ODBC:VerticaDSN","ExampleUser","password123");
unless (defined $dbh) {
    # Conection failed.
    die "Failed to connect: $DBI::errstr";
# Output to a file. Displaying Unicode characters to a console or terminal
# window has many problems. This outputs a UTF-8 text file that can
# be handled by many Unicode-aware text editors:
open OUTFILE, '>:utf8', "unicodeout.txt";
# See if the DBD::ODBC driver was compiled with Unicode support. If this returns
# 1, your Perl script will get get strings from the driver with the UTF-8
# flag set on them, ensuring that Perl handles them correctly.
print OUTFILE "Was DBD::ODBC compiled with Unicode support? " .
    $dbh->{odbc_has_unicode} . "\n";

# Create a table to hold VARCHARs

# Create a table to hold data. Remember that the width of the VARCHAR column
# is the number of bytes set aside to store strings, which often does not equal
# the number of characters it can hold when it comes to Unicode!
$dbh->do("CREATE TABLE test( C_VARCHAR VARCHAR(100) )");
print OUTFILE "Inserting data...\n";
# Use Do to perform simple inserts
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO test VALUES('Hello')");
# This string contains several non-latin accented characters and symbols, encoded
# with Unicode escape notation. They are converted by Perl into UTF-8 characters
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO test VALUES('My favorite band is " .
    "\N{U+00DC}ml\N{U+00E4}\N{U+00FC}t \N{U+00D6}v\N{U+00EB}rk\N{U+00EF}ll" .
    " \N{U+263A}')");
# Some Chinese (Simplified) characters. This again uses escape sequence
# that Perl translates into UTF-8 characters.
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO test VALUES('\x{4F60}\x{597D}')");
print OUTFILE "Getting data...\n";
# Prepare a query to get the content of the table
my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached("SELECT * FROM test");
# Execute the query by calling execute on the statement handle
# Loop through result rows while we have them
while (my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
    # Loop through the column values
    foreach my $column (@row) {
        print OUTFILE "$column\t";
    print OUTFILE "\n";
close OUTFILE;

Viewing the unicodeout.txt file in a UTF-8-capable text editor or viewer displays:

Was DBD::ODBC compiled with Unicode support? 1
Inserting data...
Getting data...
My favorite band is Ümläüt Övërkïll ☺

See also