Rewriting queries

You can use directed queries to change the semantics of a given query—that is, substitute one query for another.

You can use directed queries to change the semantics of a given query—that is, substitute one query for another. This can be especially important when you have little or no control over the content and format of input queries that your Vertica database processes. You can map these queries to directed queries that rewrite the original input for optimal execution.

The following sections describe two use cases:

Rewriting join queries

Many of your input queries join multiple tables. You've determined that in many cases, it would be more efficient to denormalize much of your data in several flattened tables and query those tables directly. You cannot revise the input queries themselves. However, you can use directed queries to redirect join queries to the flattened table data.

For example, the following query aggregates regional sales of wine products by joining three tables in the VMart database:

=> SELECT SD.store_region AS Region, SD.store_city AS City, SUM(SF.gross_profit_dollar_amount) Total
    FROM store.store_sales_fact SF
    JOIN store.store_dimension SD ON SF.store_key=SD.store_key
    JOIN product_dimension P ON SF.product_key||SF.product_version=P.product_key||P.product_version
  WHERE P.product_description ILIKE '%wine%'
  GROUP BY ROLLUP (SD.store_region, SD.store_city)
  ORDER BY Region,Total DESC;

You can consolidate the joined table data in a single flattened table, and query this table instead. By doing so, you can access the same data faster. You can create the flattened table with the following DDL statements:

=> CREATE TABLE store.store_sales_wide AS SELECT * FROM store.store_sales_fact;
=> ALTER TABLE store.store_sales_wide ADD COLUMN store_name VARCHAR(64)
     SET USING (SELECT store_name FROM store.store_dimension WHERE store.store_sales_wide.store_key=store.store_dimension.store_key);
=> ALTER TABLE store.store_sales_wide ADD COLUMN store_city varchar(64)
    SET USING (SELECT store_city FROM store.store_dimension  WHERE store.store_sales_wide.store_key=store.store_dimension.store_key);
=> ALTER TABLE store.store_sales_wide ADD COLUMN store_state char(2)
    SET USING (SELECT store_state char FROM store.store_dimension WHERE store.store_sales_wide.store_key=store.store_dimension.store_key)
=> ALTER TABLE store.store_sales_wide ADD COLUMN store_region varchar(64)
    SET USING (SELECT store_region FROM store.store_dimension  WHERE store.store_sales_wide.store_key=store.store_dimension.store_key);
=> ALTER TABLE store.store_sales_wide ADD column product_description VARCHAR(128)
    SET USING (SELECT product_description FROM public.product_dimension
    WHERE store_sales_wide.product_key||store_sales_wide.product_version = product_dimension.product_key||product_dimension.product_version);
=> ALTER TABLE store.store_sales_wide ADD COLUMN sku_number char(32)
    SET USING (SELECT sku_number char FROM product_dimension
    WHERE store_sales_wide.product_key||store_sales_wide.product_version = product_dimension.product_key||product_dimension.product_version);

=> SELECT REFRESH_COLUMNS ('store.store_sales_wide','', 'rebuild');

After creating this table and refreshing its SET USING columns, you can rewrite the earlier query as follows:

=> SELECT SD.store_region AS Region, SD.store_city AS City, SUM(SF.gross_profit_dollar_amount) Total
    FROM store.store_sales_fact SF
    JOIN store.store_dimension SD ON SF.store_key=SD.store_key
    JOIN product_dimension P ON SF.product_key||SF.product_version=P.product_key||P.product_version
  WHERE P.product_description ILIKE '%wine%'
  GROUP BY ROLLUP (SD.store_region, SD.store_city)
  ORDER BY Region,Total DESC;
  Region   |       City       |  Total
 East      |                  | 1679788
 East      | Boston           |  138494
 East      | Elizabeth        |  138071
 East      | Sterling Heights |  137719
 East      | Allentown        |  137122
 East      | New Haven        |  117751
 East      | Lowell           |  102670
 East      | Washington       |   84595
 East      | Charlotte        |   83255
 East      | Waterbury        |   81516
 East      | Erie             |   80784
 East      | Stamford         |   59935
 East      | Hartford         |   59843
 East      | Baltimore        |   55873
 East      | Clarksville      |   54117
 East      | Nashville        |   53757
 East      | Manchester       |   53290
 East      | Columbia         |   52799
 East      | Memphis          |   52648
 East      | Philadelphia     |   29711
 East      | Portsmouth       |   29316
 East      | New York         |   27033
 East      | Cambridge        |   26111
 East      | Alexandria       |   23378
 MidWest   |                  | 1073224
 MidWest   | Lansing          |  145616
 MidWest   | Livonia          |  129349

Querying the flattened table is more efficient; however, you still must account for input queries that continue to use the earlier join syntax. You can do so by creating a custom directed query, which redirects these input queries to syntax that targets the flattened table:

  1. Save the input query:

    => SAVE QUERY SELECT SD.store_region AS Region, SD.store_city AS City, SUM(SF.gross_profit_dollar_amount) Total
        FROM store.store_sales_fact SF
        JOIN store.store_dimension SD ON SF.store_key=SD.store_key
        JOIN product_dimension P ON SF.product_key||SF.product_version=P.product_key||P.product_version
      WHERE P.product_description ILIKE '%wine%'
      GROUP BY ROLLUP (SD.store_region, SD.store_city)
      ORDER BY Region,Total DESC;
  2. Map the saved query to a directed query with the desired syntax, and activate the directed query:

        SELECT store_region AS Region,
          store_city AS City,
          SUM(gross_profit_dollar_amount) AS Total
        FROM store.store_sales_wide
        WHERE product_description ILIKE '%wine%'
        GROUP BY ROLLUP (region, city)
        ORDER BY Region,Total DESC;
    => ACTIVATE DIRECTED QUERY RegionalSalesWine;

When directed query RegionalSalesWine is active, the query optimizer maps all queries that match the original input format to the directed query, as shown in the following query plan:

=> EXPLAIN SELECT SD.store_region AS Region, SD.store_city AS City, SUM(SF.gross_profit_dollar_amount) Total
     FROM store.store_sales_fact SF
     JOIN store.store_dimension SD ON SF.store_key=SD.store_key
     JOIN product_dimension P ON SF.product_key||SF.product_version=P.product_key||P.product_version
   WHERE P.product_description ILIKE '%wine%'
   GROUP BY ROLLUP (SD.store_region, SD.store_city)
   ORDER BY Region,Total DESC;
 The following active directed query(query name: RegionalSalesWine) is being executed:
 SELECT store_sales_wide.store_region AS Region, store_sales_wide.store_city AS City, sum(store_sales_wide.gross_profit_dollar_amount) AS Total
  FROM store.store_sales_wide WHERE (store_sales_wide.product_description ~~* '%wine%'::varchar(6))
  GROUP BY GROUPING SETS((store_sales_wide.store_region, store_sales_wide.store_city), (store_sales_wide.store_region),())
  ORDER BY store_sales_wide.store_region, sum(store_sales_wide.gross_profit_dollar_amount) DESC

 Access Path:
 +-SORT [Cost: 2K, Rows: 10K (NO STATISTICS)] (PATH ID: 1)
 |  Order: store_sales_wide.store_region ASC, sum(store_sales_wide.gross_profit_dollar_amount) DESC
 |  Execute on: All Nodes
 | |      Aggregates: sum(store_sales_wide.gross_profit_dollar_amount)
 | |      Group By: store_sales_wide.store_region, store_sales_wide.store_city
 | |      Grouping Sets: (store_sales_wide.store_region, store_sales_wide.store_city, <SVAR>), (store_sales_wide.store_region, <SVAR>), (<SVAR>)
 | |      Execute on: All Nodes
 | | +---> STORAGE ACCESS for store_sales_wide [Cost: 864, Rows: 10K (NO STATISTICS)] (PATH ID: 3)
 | | |      Projection: store.store_sales_wide_b0
 | | |      Materialize: store_sales_wide.gross_profit_dollar_amount, store_sales_wide.store_city, store_sales_wide.store_region
 | | |      Filter: (store_sales_wide.product_description ~~* '%wine%')
 | | |      Execute on: All Nodes

To compare the costs of executing the directed query and executing the original input query, deactivate the directed query and use EXPLAIN on the original input query. The optimizer reverts to creating a plan for the input query that incurs significantly greater cost—188K versus 2K:

=> EXPLAIN SELECT SD.store_region AS Region, SD.store_city AS City, SUM(SF.gross_profit_dollar_amount) Total
     FROM store.store_sales_fact SF
     JOIN store.store_dimension SD ON SF.store_key=SD.store_key
     JOIN product_dimension P ON SF.product_key||SF.product_version=P.product_key||P.product_version
   WHERE P.product_description ILIKE '%wine%'
   GROUP BY ROLLUP (SD.store_region, SD.store_city)
   ORDER BY Region,Total DESC;
  Access Path:
 +-SORT [Cost: 188K, Rows: 10K (NO STATISTICS)] (PATH ID: 1)
 |  Order: SD.store_region ASC, sum(SF.gross_profit_dollar_amount) DESC
 |  Execute on: All Nodes
 | |      Aggregates: sum(SF.gross_profit_dollar_amount)
 | |      Group By: SD.store_region, SD.store_city
 | |      Grouping Sets: (SD.store_region, SD.store_city, <SVAR>), (SD.store_region, <SVAR>), (<SVAR>)
 | |      Execute on: All Nodes
 | | +---> JOIN HASH [Cost: 12K, Rows: 5M (NO STATISTICS)] (PATH ID: 3) Inner (BROADCAST)
 | | |      Join Cond: (concat((SF.product_key)::varchar, (SF.product_version)::varchar) = concat((P.product_key)::varchar, (P.product_version)::varchar))
 | | |      Materialize at Input: SF.product_key, SF.product_version
 | | |      Materialize at Output: SF.gross_profit_dollar_amount
 | | |      Execute on: All Nodes
 | | | +-- Outer -> JOIN HASH [Cost: 2K, Rows: 5M (NO STATISTICS)] (PATH ID: 4) Inner (BROADCAST)
 | | | |      Join Cond: (SF.store_key = SD.store_key)
 | | | |      Execute on: All Nodes
 | | | | +-- Outer -> STORAGE ACCESS for SF [Cost: 1K, Rows: 5M (NO STATISTICS)] (PATH ID: 5)
 | | | | |      Projection: store.store_sales_fact_super
 | | | | |      Materialize: SF.store_key
 | | | | |      Execute on: All Nodes
 | | | | |      Runtime Filters: (SIP2(HashJoin): SF.store_key), (SIP1(HashJoin): concat((SF.product_key)::varchar, (SF.product_version)::varchar))
 | | | | +-- Inner -> STORAGE ACCESS for SD [Cost: 13, Rows: 250 (NO STATISTICS)] (PATH ID: 6)
 | | | | |      Projection: store.store_dimension_super
 | | | | |      Materialize: SD.store_key, SD.store_city, SD.store_region
 | | | | |      Execute on: All Nodes
 | | | +-- Inner -> STORAGE ACCESS for P [Cost: 201, Rows: 60K (NO STATISTICS)] (PATH ID: 7)
 | | | |      Projection: public.product_dimension_super
 | | | |      Materialize: P.product_key, P.product_version
 | | | |      Filter: (P.product_description ~~* '%wine%')
 | | | |      Execute on: All Nodes

Creating query templates

You can use directed queries to implement multiple queries that are identical except for the predicate strings on which query results are filtered. For example, directed query RegionalSalesWine only handles input queries that filter on product_description values that contain the string wine. You can create a modified version of this directed query that matches the syntax of multiple input queries, which differ only in their input values—for example, tuna.

Create this query template in the following steps:

  1. Create two optimizer-generated directed queries:

    • From the original query on the joined tables:

      => CREATE DIRECTED QUERY OPTIMIZER RegionalSalesProducts_JoinTables
           SELECT SD.store_region AS Region, SD.store_city AS City, SUM(SF.gross_profit_dollar_amount) Total
             FROM store.store_sales_fact SF
             JOIN store.store_dimension SD ON SF.store_key=SD.store_key
             JOIN product_dimension P ON SF.product_key||SF.product_version=P.product_key||P.product_version
             WHERE P.product_description ILIKE '%wine%'
           GROUP BY ROLLUP (SD.store_region, SD.store_city)
           ORDER BY Region,Total DESC;
    • From the query on the flattened table:

          SELECT store_region AS Region, store_city AS City, SUM(gross_profit_dollar_amount) AS Total
          FROM store.store_sales_wide
          WHERE product_description ILIKE '%wine%'
          GROUP BY ROLLUP (region, city)
          ORDER BY Region,Total DESC;
  2. Query system table DIRECTED_QUERIES and copy the input query for directed query RegionalSalesProducts_JoinTables:

    SELECT input_query FROM directed_queries WHERE query_name = 'RegionalSalesProducts_JoinTables';
  3. Use the copied input query with SAVE QUERY:

    SAVE QUERY SELECT SD.store_region AS Region, SD.store_city AS City, sum(SF.gross_profit_dollar_amount) AS Total
      FROM ((store.store_sales_fact SF
      JOIN store.store_dimension SD ON ((SF.store_key = SD.store_key)))
      JOIN public.product_dimension P ON ((concat((SF.product_key)::varchar, (SF.product_version)::varchar) = concat((P.product_key)::varchar, (P.product_version)::varchar))))
      WHERE (P.product_description ~~* '%wine%'::varchar(6) /*+:v(1)*/)
      GROUP BY GROUPING SETS((SD.store_region, SD.store_city), (SD.store_region), ())
      ORDER BY SD.store_region, sum(SF.gross_profit_dollar_amount) DESC
    (1 row)
  4. Query system table DIRECTED_QUERIES and copy the annotated query for directed query RegionalSalesProducts_FlatTables:

    SELECT input_query FROM directed_queries WHERE query_name = 'RegionalSalesProducts_JoinTables';
  5. Use the copied annotated query to create a custom directed query:

    => CREATE DIRECTED QUERY CUSTOM RegionalSalesProduct  SELECT /*+verbatim*/ store_sales_wide.store_region AS Region, store_sales_wide.store_city AS City, sum(store_sales_wide.gross_profit_dollar_amount) AS Total
         FROM store.store_sales_wide AS store_sales_wide/*+projs('store.store_sales_wide')*/
         WHERE (store_sales_wide.product_description ~~* '%wine%'::varchar(6) /*+:v(1)*/)
         GROUP BY  /*+GByType(Hash)*/ GROUPING SETS((1, 2), (1), ())
         ORDER BY 1 ASC, 3 DESC;
  6. Activate the directed query:

    ACTIVATE DIRECTED QUERY RegionalSalesProduct;

After activating this directed query, Vertica can use it for input queries that match the template, differing only in the predicate value for product_description:

=> EXPLAIN SELECT SD.store_region AS Region, SD.store_city AS City, SUM(SF.gross_profit_dollar_amount) Total
         FROM store.store_sales_fact SF
         JOIN store.store_dimension SD ON SF.store_key=SD.store_key
         JOIN product_dimension P ON SF.product_key||SF.product_version=P.product_key||P.product_version
       WHERE P.product_description ILIKE '%tuna%'
       GROUP BY ROLLUP (SD.store_region, SD.store_city)
       ORDER BY Region,Total DESC;
 The following active directed query(query name: RegionalSalesProduct) is being executed:
 SELECT /*+verbatim*/  store_sales_wide.store_region AS Region, store_sales_wide.store_city AS City, sum(store_sales_wide.gross_profit_dollar_amount) AS Total
  FROM store.store_sales_wide store_sales_wide/*+projs('store.store_sales_wide')*/
  WHERE (store_sales_wide.product_description ~~* '%tuna%'::varchar(6))
  GROUP BY /*+GByType(Hash)*/  GROUPING SETS((store_sales_wide.store_region, store_sales_wide.store_city), (store_sales_wide.store_region), ())
  ORDER BY store_sales_wide.store_region, sum(store_sales_wide.gross_profit_dollar_amount) DESC

 Access Path:
 +-SORT [Cost: 2K, Rows: 10K (NO STATISTICS)] (PATH ID: 1)
 |  Order: store_sales_wide.store_region ASC, sum(store_sales_wide.gross_profit_dollar_amount) DESC
 |  Execute on: All Nodes
 | |      Aggregates: sum(store_sales_wide.gross_profit_dollar_amount)
 | |      Group By: store_sales_wide.store_region, store_sales_wide.store_city
 | |      Grouping Sets: (store_sales_wide.store_region, store_sales_wide.store_city, <SVAR>), (store_sales_wide.store_region, <SVAR>), (<SVAR>)
 | |      Execute on: All Nodes
 | | +---> STORAGE ACCESS for store_sales_wide [Cost: 864, Rows: 10K (NO STATISTICS)] (PATH ID: 3)
 | | |      Projection: store.store_sales_wide_b0
 | | |      Materialize: store_sales_wide.gross_profit_dollar_amount, store_sales_wide.store_city, store_sales_wide.store_region
 | | |      Filter: (store_sales_wide.product_description ~~* '%tuna%')
 | | |      Execute on: All Nodes

When you execute this query, it returns with the following results:

  Region   |       City       |  Total
 East      |                  | 1564582
 East      | Elizabeth        |  131328
 East      | Allentown        |  129704
 East      | Boston           |  128188
 East      | Sterling Heights |  125877
 East      | Lowell           |  112133
 East      | New Haven        |  101161
 East      | Waterbury        |   85401
 East      | Washington       |   76127
 East      | Erie             |   73002
 East      | Charlotte        |   67850
 East      | Memphis          |   53650
 East      | Clarksville      |   53416
 East      | Hartford         |   52583
 East      | Columbia         |   51950
 East      | Nashville        |   50031
 East      | Manchester       |   48607
 East      | Baltimore        |   48108
 East      | Stamford         |   47302
 East      | New York         |   30840
 East      | Portsmouth       |   26485
 East      | Alexandria       |   26391
 East      | Philadelphia     |   23092
 East      | Cambridge        |   21356
 MidWest   |                  |  980209
 MidWest   | Lansing          |  130044
 MidWest   | Livonia          |  118740