Object-level local backup/restore in Enterprise Mode

An object backup backs up only the schemas or tables that are specified in the [Misc] section by the parameter objects, or parameters includeObjects and excludeObjects.


An object backup backs up only the schemas or tables that are specified in the [Misc] section by the parameter objects, or parameters includeObjects and excludeObjects.

For an object restore, use the same configuration file that you used to create the backup, and specify the objects to restore with the vbr command-line parameter --restore-objects.

; This sample vbr configuration file shows object-level backup and restore
; using a file system on each database host for that host's backup.
; Section headings are enclosed by square brackets.
; Comments have leading semicolons (;) or pound signs (#).
; Option and values are separated by an equal sign.
; Only arguments marked as '!!Mandatory!!' must be specified explicitly.
; All commented parameters are set to their default value.

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; There must be one [Mapping] section for all of the nodes in your database cluster.
; !!Mandatory!! Backup host name (no default) and Backup directory (no default)
; node_name = backup_host:backup_dir
; [] indicates backup to localhost
v_exampledb_node0001 = []:/home/dbadmin/backups
v_exampledb_node0002 = []:/home/dbadmin/backups
v_exampledb_node0003 = []:/home/dbadmin/backups
v_exampledb_node0004 = []:/home/dbadmin/backups

; !!Recommended!! Snapshot name.  Object and full backups should always have different snapshot names.
; Backups with the same snapshotName form a time sequence limited by restorePointLimit.
; SnapshotName is used for naming archives in the backup directory, and for monitoring and troubleshooting.
; Valid values: a-z A-Z 0-9 - _
; snapshotName = backup_snapshot

; Specifies how Vertica handles objects of the same name when restoring schema or table backups.
; objectRestoreMode = createOrReplace

; Specifies which tables and/or schemas to copy. For tables, the containing schema defaults to public.
; Note: 'objects' is incompatible with 'includeObjects' and 'excludeObjects'.
; (no default)
objects = mytable, myschema, myothertable

; Specifies the set of objects to backup/restore; wildcards may be used.
; Note: 'includeObjects' is incompatible with 'objects'.
; includeObjects = public.mytable, customer*, s?

; Subtracts from the set of objects to backup/restore; wildcards may be used
; Note: 'excludeObjects' is incompatible with 'objects'.
; excludeObjects = public.*temp, etl.phase?

; !!Recommended!! If you have more than one database defined on this Vertica cluster, use this parameter to specify which database to backup/restore.
; dbName = current_database

; If this parameter is True, vbr will prompt user for database password every time.
; If set to False, specify location of password config file in 'passwordFile' parameter in [Misc] section.
; dbPromptForPassword = True

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; The temp directory location on all database hosts.
; The directory must be readable and writeable by the dbadmin, and must implement POSIX style fcntl lockf locking.
; tempDir = /tmp/vbr

; Specifies the number of historical backups to retain in addition to the most recent backup.
; 1 current + n historical backups
; restorePointLimit = 1

; Full path to the password configuration file
; Store this file in directory readable only by the dbadmin.
; (no default)
; passwordFile = /path/to/vbr/pw.txt

; When enabled, Vertica confirms that the specified backup locations contain
; sufficient free space and inodes to allow a successful backup. If a backup
; location has insufficient resources, Vertica displays an error message explaining the shortage and
; cancels the backup. If Vertica cannot determine the amount of available space
; or number of inodes in the backupDir, it displays a warning and continues
; with the backup.
; enableFreeSpaceCheck = True

; The total bandwidth limit for all restore connections in KBPS, 0 for unlimited
; total_bwlimit_restore = 0

; The maximum number of restore TCP rsync connection threads per node.
; Optimum settings depend on your particular environment.
; For best performance, experiment with values between 2 and 16.
; concurrency_restore = 1

; Total bandwidth limit for all backup connections in KBPS, 0 for unlimited. Vertica distributes
; this bandwidth evenly among the number of connections set in concurrency_backup.
; total_bwlimit_backup = 0

; The maximum number of backup TCP rsync connection threads per node.
; Optimum settings depend on your particular environment.
; For best performance, experiment with values between 2 and 16.
; concurrency_backup = 1

; The maximum number of delete TCP rsync connection threads per node.
; Optimum settings depend on your particular environment.
; For best performance, experiment with values between 2 and 16.
; concurrency_delete = 16

; Vertica user name for vbr to connect to the database.
; This setting is rarely needed since dbUser is normally identical to the database administrator.
; dbUser = current_username