Provides real-time and historical data on Enterprise-to- database migration attempts.

Provides real-time and historical data on Enterprise-to-Eon database migration attempts.

Column Name Data Type Description
NODE_NAME VARCHAR Name of a node in the source Enterprise database.
TRANSACTION_ID VARCHAR Hexadecimal identifier of the migration process transaction.

A stage of database migration on a given node, one of the following, listed in order of execution:

  • Catalog Conversion: Conversion of enterprise-mode catalog to Eon-compatible catalog.
  • Data Transfer: Transfer of data files and library files to communal storage

  • Catalog Transfer: Includes transfer of checkpoint and transaction log files.


Specifies status of a given phase, one of the following:




ABORT indicates a given migration phase was unable to complete—for example, the client disconnected, or a network outage occurred—and the migration returned with an error. In this case, call MIGRATE_ENTERPRISE_TO_EON again to restart migration. For details, see Handling Interrupted Migration.


For each migration phase, the size of data to transfer to communal storage, set when phase status is RUNNING:

  • Catalog Conversion: 0

  • Data Transfer: Size of data files and library files

  • Catalog Transfer: Size of transaction logs


For each migration phase, the size of data transfered to communal storage. This value is updated while phase status is RUNNING, and set to the total number of bytes transferred when status is COMPLETED:

  • Catalog Conversion: 0

  • Data Transfer: Size of data files and library files

  • Catalog Transfer: Size of transaction logs

COMMUNAL_STORAGE_LOCATION VARCHAR URL of targeted communal storage location
TIMESTAMP Demarcate the start and end of each PHASE-specified migration operation.




The following example shows data of a migration that is in progress:

=> SELECT node_name, phase, status, bytes_to_transfer, bytes_transferred, communal_storage_location FROM database_migration_status ORDER BY node_name, start_time;
     node_name    |       phase        |  status   | bytes_to_transfer | bytes_transferred | communal_storage_location
 v_vmart_node0001 | Catalog Conversion | COMPLETED |                 0 |                0 | s3://verticadbbucket/
 v_vmart_node0001 | Data Transfer      | COMPLETED |              1134 |             1134 | s3://verticadbbucket/
 v_vmart_node0001 | Catalog Transfer   | COMPLETED |              3765 |             3765 | s3://verticadbbucket/
 v_vmart_node0002 | Catalog Conversion | COMPLETED |                 0 |                0 | s3://verticadbbucket/
 v_vmart_node0002 | Data Transfer      | COMPLETED |              1140 |             1140 | s3://verticadbbucket/
 v_vmart_node0002 | Catalog Transfer   | COMPLETED |              3766 |             3766 | s3://verticadbbucket/
 v_vmart_node0003 | Catalog Conversion | COMPLETED |                 0 |                0 | s3://verticadbbucket/
 v_vmart_node0003 | Data Transfer      | RUNNING   |           5272616 |           183955 | s3://verticadbbucket/